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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.27790351 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the only project that fixes the ETH gas issue
>on coinbase
>/biz/ still isn't buying and is crying over GME

Stay poor faggots.

>> No.27448145 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the only fix to the gas problem for swaps
>harder to fork than any other dex because of its layer two components
>token gives profit sharing for the dex, rather than UNI which people just hope it someday does give
>small fraction of UNI mcap, but growing TVL every week

Why are you not on loopring yet farming LRC?

>> No.26978901 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy loopring and BTC...

Loopring is going to go quite high because gas fees are going to be insane on ETH. There will be NO WAY people don't start to adopt layer 2 solutions here. Strap in guys. Shit is about to get fucking wild. It's not even rush hour (8AM EST to 9 AM EST) and gas on ETH is already high as fuck.

>> No.25959239 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loopring is mooning today because SNX just unveiled it's plans to use Optimistic rollup. It is a complete cluster fuck. If Optimistic Ethereum even works it will take at least 6 months to have a few dapps fully migrated. People don't realize how big of a task it is. Most likely simple swaps will exist on ZK rollups, since they actually work right now and have several advantages over OR. I already bought in earlier today, now that the news is circulating I thought'd I'd let my white male NEET frens know.

Optimistic roll up was supposed to be completely done by late 2020. Yet here we are, and dapps are going to end up rolling it out over the course of 6 months. It might not even be able to get adoption. It is an absolute mess.

>> No.25549420 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you missed LRC, you aren't one of the smarter people on /biz/.

If you still haven't invested in it now after realizing that Vitalik has no faith in scaling ETH without rollups, then you are even more retarded.
Vitalik basically is focusing less on sharding and more on just using rollups, ZK rollups being one of them. Read more about this here:

The gas issue we have right now is mainly caused by simple swaps, which loopring easily solves. UNI and the tokens that go through it use up most the gas on ETH. Loopring could fix the gas issue by itself.

I tried to warn you guys earlier many times, here is one of my threads:

This was really obvious and you should listen to smart people like me more.

>> No.24962328 [View]
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Anyone investing in scaling solutions? I'm buying Loopring but any other scaling projects with a coin please share and shill here.

>> No.24661289 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still not being all in on this. Any time there is a decent amount of activity on the ETH network the fees become too high to do most stuff. Vitalik himself has said that most users will always be on Roll-up in the future. Why are you not in the best roll up tech there is?

>> No.24654899 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you saw the news that just came out and aren't market buying Loopring you are honestly retarded.

>> No.24534983 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I grab a bag of this? I've seen it posted here before, recently saw that they added AMM, and seem to be moving away from being an orderbook platform? Is this bullish? I just feel like there is going to be a ton of ETH adoption in the next few months and tx fees will sky rocket and this could be the way to profit off of it. People will be using UNI less if that is the case.

>> No.24474319 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look boys, I tried to outline it a few times over the past few days, but Loopring is set to explode. All defi coins are looking bullish rn, most alts are looking healthy too. There will be a huge pump for all alts soon.

Trading of alts usually leads to more people using uniswap, and more people using defi services. ETH at $480 during a defi run had trouble with fees... Now ETH is $600 and we are about to have an alt run... The gas fees are going to get insane.

Most people will begin to search for alternatives, and Loopring is usually mentioned by Vitalik whenever people are bitching at him about ETH gas fees. The good thing about Loopring is it uses the security of ETH, it is even mentioned by Vitalik in his write up on a roll-up centric Ethereum:

The main reason Loopring didn't moon insanely hard during last season was because of liquidity issues. It still had a decent TVL, and had some traders, but ultimately a orderbook exchange has issues with liquidity. The official release of swapping and AMM will be out in a few weeks just in time to deal with this problem.

Most people aren't thinking about Loopring and seem to think UNI is the way to go, but UNI v3 won't be ready til well after optimism is ready. Loopring is here and ready now, zkRollups have some advantages over optimism as well.

>> No.24348747 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, loopring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, look. I'm going to redpill /biz/ here since some of you missed out on the recent BTC and ETH pumps. Most likely they are going to go down, or sideways for a bit after this. Make no mistake, the bullrun is a upon us. They will trend upwards, albeit a bit slowly for the next month or so. If you are a poor fag looking to make big gains, the area that is most lacking in investment is layer 2 solutions.

Everyone knows that DeFi is going to be big at this point. All the DeFi protocols are well valued. What people aren't quite thinking about yet, is how Ethereum (virtually the only blockchain that has these dapps built on it) will scale. We aren't any closer to Optimistic roll-up now than we were a few months ago. ETH 2.0 Phase 0 is soon, but I bet most of you aren't aware that ETH won't have sharding until late 2021 at best:

"Shard chains should ship sometime in 2021, depending on how quickly work progresses after the Beacon Chain is launched. These shards will give Ethereum more capacity to store and access data, but they won’t be used for executing code. The details of that are still being figured out." - Ethereum.org

Keep in mind that ETH devs also predicted that PoS would be here in 2018, and that we were supposed to have sharding last year according to their estimates. In fact, if you aren't brand new, you remember that phase 0 was supposed to launch in early 2020. However, it just got the contract deployed a few weeks ago. Delays are normal when developing these types of open source projects, bugs are often found, and changes must be made. Most likely we don't see ETH sharding until 2022 at best, hence the emphasis on layer 2 solutions. Keep in mind, Vitalik now wants a roll-up centric Ethereum.

What layer 2 solutions should you buy? I would be buying the following for this upcoming run:

>> No.24315666 [View]
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I have a feeling Loopring is going to do a 3 or 4x in the near future.
>this shitshow today shows how quickly gas prices can go up and get out of control
>AMM releasing soon
>only dex that offers a true orderbook
>users in control of funds entire time
>zk Rollups make it cost way less for users
>also can have an account on loopring's layer 2 and send and receive funds on it

There is nothing else like this in crypto right now. If ETH prices continue to rise like this, the network will become crowded, and the cries for layer 2 solutions will come into effect again. I am already seeing people right now looking for solutions/abstaining from using uniswap til ETH fees come down a bit. The shit show in the past few hours is sure to get some people interested in uniswap alternatives. Towards the end of the summer run up, we saw many layer 2's gaining traction when ETH hit $450 with high gas fees...

Also, based off the pumps of XRP and XLM (2 dead shitcoins), it seems normies might be in the game again. LRC is already listed on coinbase, and has a very low price per coin(very attractive to normies). Not that this is needed, but it is an added bonus.

Vitalik has shilled Loopring in the past, and will likely do so again once gas prices become high. It is mentioned in the plan Vitalik put forward for a roll-up centric ETH, and it is secured by chainlink for it's price oracles.


>> No.24289712 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 7cee381f663dbd87ca281523d1b875fe6754a7b4cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling Loopring is going to do a 3 or 4x in the near future.
>this shitshow today shows how quickly gas prices can go up and get out of control
>AMM releasing soon
>only dex that offers a true orderbook
>users in control of funds entire time
>zk Rollups make it cost way less for users
>also can have an account on loopring's layer 2 and send and receive funds on it

There is nothing else like this in crypto right now. If ETH prices continue to rise like this, the network will become crowded, and the cries for layer 2 solutions will come into effect again. I am already seeing people right now looking for solutions/abstaining from using uniswap til ETH fees come down a bit. The shit show in the past few hours is sure to get some people interested in uniswap alternatives. Towards the end of the summer run up, we saw many layer 2's gaining traction when ETH hit $450 with high gas fees...

Also, based off the pumps of XRP and XLM (2 dead shitcoins), it seems normies might be in the game again. LRC is already listed on coinbase, and has a very low price per coin(very attractive to normies). Not that this is needed, but it is an added bonus

>> No.24253305 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 7cee381f663dbd87ca281523d1b875fe6754a7b4cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a feeling Loopring is going to do a 2 or 3x in the near future.
>AMM releasing soon
>only dex that offers a true orderbook
>users in control of funds entire time
>zk Rollups make it cost way less for users
>also can have an account on loopring's layer 2 and send and receive funds on it

There is nothing else like this in crypto right now. If ETH prices continue to rise like this, the network will become crowded, and the cries for layer 2 solutions will come into effect again. Towards the end of the summer run up, we saw many layer 2's gaining traction when ETH hit $450 with high gas fees... ETH is 600 bucks now... How long until the high gas fees come back? Where will everyone go...

Also, based off the pumps of XRP and XLM (2 dead shitcoins), it seems normies might be in the game again. LRC is already listed on coinbase, and has a very low price per coin(very attractive to normies). Not that this is needed, but it is an added bonus.

>> No.23848053 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1599343743962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF was that..

>> No.23846858 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1596486772658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loopring is one of the top contenders for winning the L2 scaling race. At least the only one with a coin you can buy (Starkware and Zksync are competitors but have no coin)

>> No.23732060 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1599343743962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.22856087 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1596486772658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loopring is about to solve Ethereum's congestion issue.

>> No.22695409 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1599343743962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this coin pumping doing ok while everything else is shitting the bed.

>> No.22688650 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, lr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22428880 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1599343743962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking Loopring is going to win the L2 scaling solution race:
0) Loopring Pay - Like OMG and ZKsync you can send ETH and ERC-20 tokens in L2 for zero gas
1) They have a DEX
2) Loopring is also a protocol that can let others build DEX's on L2
3) Upcoming 3.6 update in November will allow AMM's to be created on Layer 2 (Uniswap on layer 2)
4) Upcoming wallet (hebao - November/December) both desktop and mobile app, will facilitate use of loopring pay

All other L2 solutions checkmark maybe one or two of the above use cases. Very bullish on this project.

>> No.21684613 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1596486772658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I buy? OMG already took off so I'm looking at other L2 coins.

>> No.21438495 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 7cee381f663dbd87ca281523d1b875fe6754a7b4cd3fd838fb214ed9d493a53f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be lost in the sea of shit and scamcoins - but Loopring. ETH2 will not be here for a few more years. Layer 2 solutions are going to be huge in the coming 6-12 months. Optimistic rollups will generalize smart contracts on Layer 1 first but eventually everything will migrate to zkrollups like Loopring over time as they're more efficient.

Loopring has a protocol that allows for building DEXs, an upcoming wallet, Loopring pay to transfer over 60 tokens at basically zero gas, and an upcoming protocol upgrade that will allow layer 2 deposits to interact with layer 1 smart contracts.

This is big brain energy though I know most you niggers want to buy TENDIES and YAM coins so you can just ignore this post.

>> No.21357677 [View]
File: 113 KB, 2252x1265, 1596486772658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High gas is killing ETH. Invest in L2 coins before they moon.

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