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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.28857446 [View]
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>> No.28732255 [View]
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>Insurance doesn't let me

>> No.28723934 [View]
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>8k link
cmon RanJeet at least save a shot from one of the oldfags that showed proof

>> No.26724815 [View]
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jesus christ were gonna get staking in Q4 aren't we?

>> No.22971821 [View]
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fuck off retard im not capping your schizo post we already have that 42 nigger that ruins threads for that and we don't need another.
>this board is fuckin DONE, like literally and fundamentally done in terms of talking and playing the markets
>grateful for 2018 biz and LINK threads
kek good job outing yourself as a newfag. Just because you r*ddit space and call everybody here retards doesn't automatically turn you into the right side of the bell curve. You're just another attention seeking faggot that needs reassurance that he didn't sell the bottom.

>> No.22611731 [View]
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at least try a little retard

>> No.22241179 [View]
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>i got 20m from an uncle i never met

>> No.21683453 [View]
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>> No.21159717 [View]
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>I brought
u even trying u stupid chink

>> No.20929303 [View]
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lol he literally admitted that he didnt know anything you reddit newfag. I get that $50 is a lot of money for you since you're still in highschool but sweaty its not. dont fall for memes that has been here for years

>> No.20501549 [View]
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I put majority of my life savings (7.5k usd) into link in feb 18 uninronically thinking it was a meme so if it goes under i have an excuse to kill myself. now its worth 6 figures
> pic rel

>> No.17581553 [View]
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a newfag making fun of plebbitors lmao go back u stupid nigger

>> No.17507537 [View]
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>biz is responsible for 480m volume
nice one retard

>> No.16841501 [View]
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>> No.15996075 [View]
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>dude trust me

>> No.15039991 [View]
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>worthless shitcoin partners with another worthless shitcoin

>> No.14821365 [View]
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>> No.10594569 [View]
File: 6 KB, 250x250, PEPEADAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


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