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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.58353735 [View]
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"Checked" as people would say, congratulations!

>Normgroid finds safety in authority figures

The "normie" is braindead, and needs to be told what to think. Thus, "influencers" are paramount. Define your demographic, then act on it. There are definitely ways one could profit off of arbitraging inexpensive beauty and/or charisma from poor countries, and export it digitally to wealthy cattle in well off areas. An "afroamerican" person vouching for your token would be ideal.

>Normgroid finds safety in numbers

Therefore several comments such as "YOLO, I am FOMOing my life savings into this" or "Just threw this month's rent money into APU, WAGMI" are essential. Monkey see, monkey do. In the past there was safety in numbers, an evolutionary trait that is still strong in most "humans". Might not be so useful in today's world.

>Normgroid finds safety in step by step instructions

Once again, "normies" are unable to think, it's just the way it is. Don't be harsh, hylics being hylics, they must follow in order to have a chance at salvation. Manipulation for one's own good, if you will. One would benefit from creating short, concise and to the point instructions, and spreading them in key areas of social media.

>Normgroid finds entertainment in a good act

Good lore is important, such as a "rogue dev". HAH!


The most important part of the equation is not being worked on, however. Making sure most holders do not move their coins.

Once again, if no incentive is provided to hold your tokens, the general holder population will just sell at whatever price.

Take a hint on how "pepx coin" did it. The whales freely gave breadcrumbs to the unwashed masses in order to receive gold back. Take a look at the price action once staking was implemented.

Until APU whales don't understand that they need to give away a significant part of their APUs in order to make their remaining holdings more valuable in FRNs (FIAT) value, this token won't go above 1 billion market cap.

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