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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.1151158 [View]
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1- Make your own coffee (you can even buy mini coffee makers) which also comes with a timer so it'll be ready in the morning.
2- Buy yourself a small 1-2 pound roast, cook it with some rub, slice it supper thin with either a knife or a mandolin slicer and use the drippings to make some gravy. Portion out the meat for the week and either heat it up in the microwave and bread it or pre-make a sandwich with some butter on it.

The roast can be spiced a million different ways from a simple rub to a marinate with sliced bread or a home/french loaf. Also better conversations in the lunch room when you can try more then a 10 item menu and have more money on hand to actually take about business.

(Homemade Chinese food is bomb after sitting in a fridge for 24hours)

>> No.1145194 [View]
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Living in the past creates depression, and living in the future creates anxiety. Don't take medication because nothing is wrong with you. Ignore your grief of letting down your parents because your parents should never be disappointed with you, and if they are then ignore them for being bad unsupported parents(since they have done so much to help you I doubt they bad people, they just want to see you succeed). As for video games, here is a little red pill to maybe help you take the fun out of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWtvrPTbQ_c You can't enjoy something if you analyze why you do it.

Now you are pushing yourself to hard to succeed, while succession is somewhat out of your hands in the approach you are taking. You can't just "I'm going to become a millionaire if if do X,Y,Z" That doesn't happen like that. You are just realizing this because you are finishing a goal that doesn't have an immediate reward as in video games, which is why you are clinging to them. You where told your whole life the path of success is education, even though there are many other forms of power. You my friend are just realizing you where lied to.

How else can I help you?

>> No.1145160 [View]
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OP chill out. Basically, all you have to do is apply to welfare and join a temporary agency(may be more then one). Temp agencies send you to 4 different types of jobs:

-A company over time shoveled a years worth of shit into a corner and no one wants to clean it.
-Someone needs a helping hand for a day.
-A company is swamped with work that they don't want to turn down and can't afford to hire more people at $30/hr.
-A company uses temps to work instead of hiring people due to their ability to refuse anyone at will. It's like having the power to fire anyone for any reason.

Basically manual labour and warehouse/factory work. You will grow muscle, you will work various jobs and make connections with people. If you are likeable and hard working people will notice and either want you back as a temp or straight up hire you. Also #This is the quickest and most legitimate way to fill your resume. # Working as a temp for 20 different companies utilizing several skills you don't have to be asked "So why have you only worked here for so little time?"

>> No.1145119 [View]
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Not all business ideas have to be new, just "new" or even better in some way. These guys twomenandatruck.ca Live down the street from me, they started by buying a truck and working around town. Basically you have to be willing to work lower then minimal wage to start a foothold to be noticed, then as more people use your service you slowly increase your amounts. Then if you grow past a point where you need more people to take on the work load, you simply hire to meet your needs.

>> No.1129047 [View]
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As the Rolex brand crashes, you could chance promoting and investing into a new brand(pocket watches or something) and claim how its making a boom. State how the Rolex phase is fading but due to this new brand sweeping in popularity.

Hopefully consumers don't look farther into it and just take the bait, or have Rolex try and retaliate on your propaganda. Watches are similar to fashion trends, your selling how "Everyone wants this rare candy" when its made of the same material as anything else.

>> No.1116016 [View]
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NEET here, reporting for duty.

>> No.985473 [View]
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I am analytical but more of a math guy. I learn t some psychology and special in addictions. Now I spend my time programming video games using basic SkinnerBox shit.

How I am trying to relate this is I am interested in controlling people so I study why people do things. Just find what you find interested in analyzing and use your writing skills to maybe teach other what you see.

>> No.985429 [View]
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Almighty mates, I'll let you in on a secret.

>start up an independent courier company
>bike around the city and visit different offices
>carry fake packages with messed up addresses
>ask secretaries to use there LAN-line since phone just died
>use this chance to call your already setup (900) premium-rate telephone number
>pretend to be on a conversation every so often and put on hold many times
>while on hold chat with the ladies to distract them on how long you have been standing around
>eventually solve the 'problem' with the packages and move onto the next office

Since offices use phones tons of thousands of times during a month, your overcharged call usually will go unnoticed. Works best if you advertise the number online as some gay sex talk number. That way you somewhat close the loop since anyone in the office could be making the calls. Worst case a memo will go out around the office that someone is being a perv.

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