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>> No.52479311 [View]
File: 98 KB, 639x618, binbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never outright read the talmud, but I can see where anon is coming from. There's a shitton of examples of jews going to ridiculous lengths to get around ridiculous rules instead of just being common sense about it.

For example: Rabbis aren't supposed to enter graveyards. This probably had some practical application because corpses are dangerous and you don't want your community leader dropping dead from the plague, or helping spread it.

So just stay out of the graveyard, don't handle corpses, and the rule is met right? Wrong. When goyim invented flight rabbis were concerned about it because what if they flew over a graveyard and accidentally got contaminated by the death rays which only go straight up and can penetrate any fuselage.

But then time goes on and avoiding flight becomes more and more impractical. A reasonable religion would review the ruling and overthrow it as impractical nonsense, but that would mean admitting the law is wrong and they can't have that.

So instead they made a ruling that rabbis can fly, but only if they wear a giant binbag/condom thing while they do so, because that will symbolically separate them from the graveyard. Never mind they're already separated by thousands of feet of weather and an entire airframe, they also need half a milimeter of plastic or the death rays will get them.

And so they wrap themselves up like a sandwich every time they fly.

Pic related...

Don't get me started on the panty sniffing they do.

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