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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57564267 [View]
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It's almost like you can't TRULY escape the midwit trap, no matter how hard you try. Maybe I just need to stop researching coins and just ape in whatever randomly? Everytime I research "early entry point", "best tech", "best tokenomics", etc etc etc, I ALWAYS CHOOSE THE WRONG COINS AND I'M ALWAYS TOO DAMN LATE! Like, when I think I've gotten into a 5x, it turns out it already 100-200x'd for the whales and I become instant exit liquidity. The most recent example of this bullshit is Shido - great tech, great tokenomics, around 100m market cap, but fuck it just dumps and dumps endlessly.


>> No.57526624 [View]
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I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing the vomit-worthy volume lately. Seriously, what the fuck is going on? It's not the weekend either.

>> No.57275270 [View]
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If it makes you feel better, I've been in crypto since '20 but I'm still 35% down from my breakeven point. Every time my portfolio looks like it'll make an epic comeback, BTC suddenly has diarrhea and my portfolio gets clawed back down into the sewer, every fucking time. :(

>> No.57076897 [View]
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> fuck btc
> fuck vra
The two culprits making me miss out on all the 4-5x's surrounding me.

>> No.56958753 [View]
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And fud. This is by far the strangest "bull" market I've ever seen in my lifetime. It's almost like a bearbull aka beal market. Too much fud and barting, but at the same time the long term trend is upwards.

Either way, I'm getting sick of lawmakers and bureaucrats ruining everything. I just want enough money to be free from the wageslave life. What's in it for them? Why do they have to make life so unbelievably fucking difficult? I'm so fucking sick of this bullshit.

>> No.56524093 [View]
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Multiple "biggest" mistakes, actually:
> Never worked during high school
> Went to college majored in CS, still didn't get a job during my school years
> Get a job out of college, stay at same job for 6 years and only managed one promotion and maximum $80k salary (this is precisely what happens in poor southern states, fyi - no $300k+ jobs in those states, at all)
> Get burnt out, leave job and can't find another one because tech field in my state sucks donkey boner
> Now age 31, unemployed, and lost a shitload of money to crypto trading (another huge financial mistake)

I've wasted my entire 20's bros, I could've used that time to learn real financial discipline and I could've escaped the hellish rat race by now. But nope, I was a retarded sperg instead. Sigh.

>> No.56061241 [View]
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> 11.4 eth
> 1 billion shib
> 1k link
> 1 million VRA

Do the needful and suggest changes or tell it's good. thank you

>> No.55881823 [View]
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Just got out of another thread of someone with close to a million net worth and he's pissing and whining about it. This isn't a one time thing either. I see it all the time here - and no, I'm not talking about obvious larpers (which is 90% of the rich brag posts here, let's be honest).

How fucking spoiled do you have to be where you're among the top 1-3% (literally) and you have the sheer audacity to cry and act like the world is ending? This is one of many reasons why I hate the rich. It's not so much you're already successful through sheer luck, it's that you're so fucking ungrateful about it and squeal for attention. I just can't fathom it.

>> No.55525404 [View]
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Depends on the degree.

Everyone knows psychology, sociology, criminology, anthropology, etc. are completely useless, but the biggest danger of college are the meme degrees everyone is falling for:

> Computer Science (most obvious one)
> Mechanical Engineering and any other type of engineering really
> STEM as a whole

The meme degrees above are completely useless now thanks to oversaturation stemming from YouTube and tiktok. I recommend going for a skill based degree instead, like accounting for example - a skill you can take with you anywhere and get a job or start a business, regardless of employment status.

>> No.55430369 [DELETED]  [View]
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People keep rooting for it because:
> Sunk cost fallacy
> "imma gonna swoop in and buy everything CHEAP! I'M GONNA BE SO FUCKIN RICH BOYS!"

The stone cold hard truth though is that they'll all scream out in despair if we actually go through a depression. Literally NOBODY has money in this type of environment outside of the .00001% who are the elite.

In a depression environment, here's what happens:
> Banks everywhere go under - people's savings get wiped
> Muh extremely high interest rates will crush stocks and crypto
> Housing will face another major collapse, everyone who has a mortgage will be well underwater on their loans - for those who bought with cash, they still have to pay their extremely high property taxes and insurance - since their bank accounts are now drained, they won't be able to pay their bills anymore - in comes imminent domain and the banks to seize their properties
> Ecommerce, sales, etc. will all completely die - demand will simply no longer exist

No avenues to make money, everything has no value anymore, nobody has money and is starving, all the while the elite will cheer their champagne and laugh at us for all eternity.

>> No.55241815 [View]
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Businesses can be profitable, but with the following conditions:
> Thou shalt need marketing skills, PERIOD.
> Thou shalt NOT fall for the following meme business models parroted on YouTube: Dropshipping, Print on Demand, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing Agency, "Digital Real Estate bro", Ebay, Amazon FBA, "muh amazon killers like bonanza, mercari, etc."

I've also tried a few businesses and failed each of them - all of them because I fell for a meme business model + didn't know jackshit about marketing.

Also, your marketing budget needs to be massive + you need long term planning (at least 1-2 years) before turning a profit. You'll be losing a lot of money before then, you just need to hang in there with a soul crushing 9 to 5 until you start turning livable profits with your side business.

>> No.55239300 [View]
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Aka flopped/dying a slow painful death this bear market?

I'll start:
> Algorand
> Amp

>> No.55186457 [View]
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Sadly Covid gave the majority of normies the time to stay at time and go, "look! youtube just proved entrepreneurship is ALWAYS better than being a wagie!" and "look at this crypto thing! we're gonna be rich!" and "oh look! free ppp loan money we don't have to pay back"

Low and behold, look what happened to the housing market shortly afterwards. Normies became rich en masse and bought up all of the housing in all areas with the slightest desirability.

And here we are now - a complete dystopian hellscape.

Just face it. China shot the sniper bullet with Covid and got a perfect bullseye headshot on the brain of America. They won.

Western society is doomed.

>> No.55046188 [View]
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We all know to avoid youtube shilled meme business models at all costs (we all know what these are - POD, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, etc.)

As far as getting a job is concerned, you will never make that much money from corporate unless you have family/friend legacy connections to vault yourself to the top of a fortune 500 company.

Let us share some unsaturated, but still in demand, business models that aren't ecommerce (ecommerce has been reduced to another meme business model thanks to youtube).

>> No.54696320 [View]
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Am I not the only one who believes the most insufferable part of biz is the rich fuckers (non larping) who constantly piss and moan about "wehhh my life's boring" or "i don't have meaning in life" or "worth $20m, still thinking about ending it", it goes on and on?

Literally, THE reason for my own depression atm is not having enough money to buy my own house with cash. Once that goal is accomplished, it's basically smooth sailing to retirement considering all major debts are paid off.

But of course, I have to sit here and watch all of you spoiled brats still whining even though you're already retired with a nice house.

>> No.54076609 [View]
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Already tried a few businesses, all of them failed.

The reality no one dares to talk about is the extreme saturation in today's market. No matter how much you pay to advertise, no matter how talented you are at what you do, you don't stand a chance because there are established reputable businesses in every single micro niche that you can think of. You don't stand a chance at standing out because those established businesses already show up on the first few pages of results that everyone only looks at (ecommerce), there's already "muh trade" businesses in every single town, and any other business, they already have huge followings and tons of google reviews to smash any new competition that appears.

Starting a business in 2023 isn't nearly as romantic as YouTube and TikTok make it out to be.

>> No.53749864 [View]
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This is what I tell many people about the realities of corporate jobs:
> There is no meritocracy. Promotions are based on your overall popularity and if all levels of managers personally like you or not.
> Because of above, you'll often see the "class clowns" getting promotions extremely fast and the hard working autist keeps getting passed over for promotion because they "aren't communicating with the team well enough".
> Summing up the two points above - the gist of it is that high school never truly ends after high school. The popular kids (the douchebags, clowns, stacies, etc.) always win, both socially and fiscally in college and work.

>> No.53543707 [View]
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This better be worth it, I took a wagecuck break

>> No.53539615 [View]
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I know a job for you nigger

>> No.53518165 [View]
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Boomerang millennial here who did the average burger thing - moved out, took out a mortgage, stayed nauseatingly loyal to one company - then quit his job to move back in with his family.

Here's why I'm part of this "troubling" statistic:
> Once you work for a corporation, you'll be blackpilled and realize only the popular dudes and broads who get along with management are the ones to be promoted, while those uninteresting nerds (aka me) who do all the work will get passed over for promotion and overwhelmed with all the work, while the high school preps get to do none of the work and get promoted to the top.
> Every year, minimal pay raise and twice the work while living expenses far outpace wage growth (here's a hint: owning a house is a vortex of doom for your finances!)
> Eventually quit job when I see inflation far outpacing wage growth - aka less and less pay for more and more work every year
> Forced to sell house as it's getting too expensive to keep up with - repair costs competely fuck you
> Moved back in with parents. The end.

There, that's the reason why so many dudes are moving back home with their parents. Basically, they're getting blackpilled about the corporate world and inflation is completely destroying society.

>> No.53483931 [View]
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Hello I'm from McDonald hiring quarters and I have seen that many of you people have been spending your family savings on imaginary currency and also lose them, so I have come forward to give you a real job opportunity, here are our application sites:



>> No.53332635 [View]
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When you think about it, every single avenue online you could for making money has been slammed shut. Everything is too saturated now. Hell, even "careers" such as "just learn to code bro" are too saturated to ever bring in buying a house money. Pfft, don't even bring up retirement money because that's just impossible at this point of time.

Look at the markets today - stupid ass fucking cunt bobo is celebrating with his acid dripping dogshit ass with the stupid whale dumps. I'm so fucking disgusted with this slimebag world and the George Soros types who get away with every sick twisted thing with their money games.

The last bullrun was our last chance to ever make it. For those of you who already made it and have a "fuck you i got mine" attitude like the stupid real estate boomers do, then congratulations and go fuck off to a fucking sewer.

I can't be the only one who feels this way? I'm watching CNBC make it stories on YouTube right now and it's making me irreparably angry.

>> No.53160818 [View]
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Failed former dropshipper here - here's the brutal blackpill about dropshipping:
> Everyone out there (yes, the normies) already know what dropshipping is, so yes they know about the extremely cheap chinese shit on Alibaba and Aliexpress, along with all of the other sneaky workaround tactics (sourcing other suppliers, marketing on fb and insta to make your products appear legit, etc.) Your average shopper in 2023 is not nearly as stupid as they were in say 2016.
> Also remember that paid ads are far more expensive these days, which will make your profit margins with dropshipping (if you ever make any sales) extremely small, which makes dropshipping no longer a viable business model as a whole. A gigantic waste of time and really, it's just a giant gamble these days considering the expensive ads and not every clicked ad will convert into a sale.

You have to ask yourself this question if you're determined to succeed with dropshipping:

> Why the fuck would anyone want my products when they can just go to ebay or amazon and find something just as good or even better for the same price or cheaper, with fast free shipping? Everyone out there knows how big of a scam dropshipping already is, so I need to figure out what ebay and amazon don't already offer that I do much better.

>> No.52858811 [View]
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I've created a few businesses that ultimately failed (my fault, of course).

Allow me to share some brutal blackpills about the starting a business in today's times:
> YouTube & the rest of social media ultimately ruined entrepreneurship by not just oversaturating the market, but literally hyper-saturating every single niche in existence by giving everyone the fantasy of "if i can make it, so can you! just do x y and z outlined in these vids and tiktoks and you'll be good" - once you follow through every single tutorial and instruction video (obviously ignoring famous YouTube gurus obvious bullshit), you'll eventually be saddled with the brutal blackpill - that everyone else on the fucking planet is strategizing and wanting the same exact thing as you, so not only are you dealing with saturation from the obvious dead meme business ideas (dropshipping, print on demand, etc.), but people are thinking the same thing as you in that they're going to the underground business idea videos and shorts with few views and they're already pouncing on that niche.
>Read the above point over and over again and let the blackpill set in.

I could write and entire novel about my personal failures in business and what I learned. As far as my personal businesses failing, that was my fault because I didn't bother to research my niches' audiences well enough. There needs to be a market for what you're providing or making, obviously first of all, and the other thing is you'll need to stand out above the millions of others you're now competing with in the brutal modern marketplace, thanks to social media sabotaging everything once again. It isn't just dating that social media ruined, but it's also just social life and business ventures in general.

Rant over. I know my perspective isn't entirely perfect and narrow visioned in ways, but I did unveil the inconvenient blackpill that triggers so many "thAT's noT TruEE!!!!" larpers out there.

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