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>> No.58142132 [View]
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>> No.56567702 [View]
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Literally feel like kmsing, cant stand this pain i know It's my fault for listening some youtube faggot but man...

>> No.56535676 [View]
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Noice, 13 validators here broski.

>> No.56221194 [View]
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>150 bag here
Noice, glad things are working out for you anon

>> No.56084114 [View]
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Its few anons that along with al money lost all sanity last 2y.
Now they scizoposting 24/7, sad ghouls with no future forever tied to this basket dweling board that has become their virtual dwelling.

>> No.52357307 [View]
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>Is your bet strong enough in the face of prison time to bring these technologies online?
Think indirect damage is worse than direct in TC case with this type of shit somewhere there is next 0 to 1 idea guy like Hayden that will just fuck off from this industry because he dislikes prison....
I'm not OG and even I cached up fast that in this shitshow grifters gona grift, no point in being mad?
This is good point i should added yeah.
Than again contagion after sailor would just crash everything anyway?
Yeah I'm also surprised this cough on and is not drowned in regular bizz spam wtf....
Don't know, that's good question, truth to be told I don't see why l2s need token at all (mby sequencer mev capture later on?) besides "governance" meme.
One think I noticed when i entered space early 2020 everyone was like "whats purpose of defi tokens" than they discovered "purpose" of defi tokens is to go 1000x and you seethe from sideline lol (looking at aave early 2020 chart) so there's lesion in that I think.

Ah and sidenote, as this chad already noted here >>52348395 not only we prob end up fighting/extracting mev with simulations on GPUs, many upcoming ZKrollups will have GPUs doing sequencer calculations and it would be ironic twist of fate we and up in:
>destroyed GPU market for years with mining
>GTFO from POW to POS mining in shambles
>miners capitulated sell GPUs for pennys
>in 1-2y we end up in new validation of ZKs/Mev mining boom all over again
Now that would be funny
Same to you!

>> No.27520812 [View]
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>started buying 2 eth on top of 2017 bull
>used bearmarket to accumulate 100 eth 80-160 range
>started to use defi early 2020
>eth+defi gains =302 eth now or around 470k usd

Funny part was beeing all desperate when my 2 eth crashed peak 2017 lol poorfags take note its never to late it just takes time, dedication and reaserch

>> No.27174275 [View]
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I start to talk to this retards, I acually try to help them (shill nothing) than I realsie im 7 figures balls deep and im talking to overinvested lunch money acthing all smug and knowledgeable KEK

>> No.26311525 [View]
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Its fine we all been there its just im wodnering am i last degen from old degengen amog newfags

>> No.26124237 [View]
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Love you fren

>> No.25799209 [View]
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Still holding fucking 250k from 0.02 to 1 back to 0.025 and now 0.3

I was young and naive back in 2017 DUMPING this shit so much over 1$ onyl thing that conforts me Charles is such a good snakeoil salesman he will make new army of bagholders for me to dump on

In my jurney i lived to see:
>100 delays
>Charles saying fuck speculators when my bags are -96%
>fuckin crypto crow the 2017 shitcoin peddler becoming cardano ambasador
>Charles agreeing to MMA match vs random youtbe shill (?!??)
>fucking 2017 AI on blockchain scam becoming "big port to ada"
>3 years of "where we going we dont need ethereum" bullshit and 180 to "we have bridge to ethereum"
>180 selfies and world blogs

Took me 3 fucking years to realise army of baghodlers from plebit living on daily amas from king Charles are not community I need to belong cant wait to turn some else in "community member"

>> No.25731849 [View]
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Hey 2015 fag here to hugs

>> No.25330302 [View]
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Lol are you me????
Cashed out allready 5 days ago I have letf 1 btc 64 eth and 10k link for memes
Cahsed out 2.6 mil btw, pure religious belief made me hold for 5.5 fucking years, I dont have it anymore...
At this point i find eth more intresting and exciting (spent exacly 5 years shitting on it lol)
Also I as "done whit chan"..took me less than a week to open it again and first shit i see is this thread

>> No.23878743 [View]
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Omfg are you me?
Literally same situation, same folio 1btc,100 eth,10k link,1000aave today
Literally have 0 cash out strategy and dont think I can do it its just game of stacking for me for last 4 years of my life would be empty without it

Thing is I think its easy for anons like us I have a house, good job I acually like and comfy life I dont I don't eat remen and pray to blockfolio everyday like most of biz so easy to forget its not a game...

>> No.23364794 [View]
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six figure hell is real man you cant just ape on random illiquid scams and every legit safer play is farmed or accumulated by whales

I still think BOND is real gem and novel project in space but this "farm with stablecoins fair distribution" is anything but fair, whales just draw 1mil+ in stablecoins using aave and link/eth as coleterall and flashfarm this shit to bone

>> No.23126925 [View]
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But you are fren you just payed price for it

>> No.22845424 [View]
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I literally feel truly sorry for you lol
So close but so far
I guess not everyone are ment to make it

>> No.22318121 [View]
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>few will pick 'the' coin and get rich. almost all coins will die. those who have diverse holdings will not end up with nothing unlike almost everyone else.
As dude that was poor as you back in 2017 and got over 1 mil now from crypto this is exacly why you will stay poor

>> No.21308722 [View]
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What a timeline bro

>> No.21033847 [View]
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>> No.20255790 [View]
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Why selling 1 lend before tokenoimics or cb?

>> No.19954814 [View]
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Imagine having staked link there now and sweating bullets
Imagine shitstorm when unlock period come and bankrun starts


>> No.19889495 [View]
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I have mid 6 figures and all is in eth link and defi

I guess someone will have to buy some of my bags next year so thank you for your sacrafice fren

>> No.19499558 [View]
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Place adress and ill send you some eth not larping I started to feel sorry for you guys cant Imagine how hard is to cope with 97% loss fact you are retard and still shill this pos everyday

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