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>> No.29004537 [DELETED]  [View]
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I won't be surprised if nothing happens and just another memedate, but I want to illustrate how many signs point to April being the moon.

2020 = 2 + 2 = 4
13 = 1 + 3 = 4
Easter is in April
Tax and Financial Year starts in April
Bearableguy123 = April fools bear

>Babacugs lore, disregard if don't trust that dirty faggot
Yin Yang is March and said it was the end
Said XRP would moon within 4 months of Dec 3
Says 2020 is not over
Says to look out for Pilgrims. Bearableguy123 posted his Pilgrim image in April 2020, so the voyage begins there

But, I've already accepted I'm going to be miserable for life. My hopes and dreams were crushed in December and I have been sobbing pretty often since January and have become an alcoholic again. I will never forgive the Christian and Mason faggots who mislead us. Baba and his discord butt buddies are the most despicable scum of the earth.
Not selling after April either. I just hope and pray everyday this horrible fucking investment finally goes over $2 then I'm out of crypto for ever. Oh, and fuck Jesus. I'm using the Bible as toilet paper if I ever become a millionaire.

Hope we make it /xsg/ bros. I don't count baba and his discord as /xsg/

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