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>> No.939062 [View]
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yes they are, but I'm hoping to come across at least some honest challenge/debate.

The world has never seen socialism as a system (excepting the primitive form, which has been the majority of humanity's existence). Communism, the real movement, has existed and appeared all throughout recorded history.

>Maybe those lazy, poor people should start their own corporations if they think they're being taken advantage of.
1. Productivity has continued to rise, how are they lazy?
2. This would just swap out who the worker was and replace them with someone else.
see >>938407

>That's why the rich countries today don't have child labors (although they might contract it from some shithole in Asia)
You just explained how the rich haven't made things better, they've just re-organized the misery.

>Also by the way the successful people also drag everyone upwards
Not true at all. In many poor areas in the US, the infant mortality rate is higher than in "developing" countries.

> the quality of life of some guy |having a decent wage|
I found your problem

>Maybe even minimum wage too if he's clever about it (people forever on minimum wage are not clever about it).
I would like to see your math on that one.

>Basically the winners win, the losers lose and the losers want socialism, communism etc. but of course they can't get it because they're losers! Everyone in the end gets exactly what they deserve.
see: >>938419

>history don't real

We never changed our definition of socialism. Stalin proclaimed that the USSR had reached "socialism" purely as political maneuver. You have moved the goalposts, not us.

>The average person in |developed|, democratic capitalist country
found your problem, not that it would be relevant anyway.

>Marxist "economics" don't work outside of the sociology department
Explanation please.

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