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>> No.3409783 [View]
File: 73 KB, 1839x777, convo example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a bit more complicated, also this is going to be a big wall-of-text. I don't know how much you care, or if you'll read this, but I'll type something up anyways. First off, if you have nothing to say just don't bother replying and play vidya or something because it's better to not talk then lead a boring conversation.The idea is to be both spontaneous and open, almost like awkwardness doesn't even exist. Like I'm a big boy but when I shower I sit in the fetal position with my head on my knee. I will literally, out of nowhere, bring that up. Or bring up that I squat on the toilet when I take a shit. If I have nothing to say, I'll just bring up some weird shit that makes me seem like I don't care about what she thinks of me. As a side note, when I bring up things like crypto gains, or my engineering work, I make sure that it's only in passing so it comes off as if I think it's unimpressive or that I'm not really paying attention to what I'm saying. I only bring it up once, so as to make more sense of something else I appear to be talking about. And I purposely am very vague, like just mentioning that I made "a couple dollars" in the middle of a couple sentences about something else.

To be not boring as fuck, especially over the internet, it's so fucking easy it's unbelievable. If you present yourself such that you give no fucks and nothing is awkward, then nothing will ever be awkward. Here's a pic related of two somewhat recent convos with a bisexual girl I private messaged in a university group chat. In the first one she was talking about dorm sizes and it was boring as fuck, so I changed the subject. The second one, notice how I asked her how long she stays up and all I was doing was telling her why my friend was calling (but at the same time bringing up that I made some mad gains on 0x). i reached character limit

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