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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.56076143 [View]
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Just bought 100 link tokens at these fire sale prices

>> No.56023873 [View]
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Chainlink will stop being inflationary by 2030. But this also means Sergey will run out of tokens to subsidize nodes so they'll stop functioning and all the HR roasties will have to go find work elsewhere. What happens then?

>> No.55725856 [View]
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Reminder that Chainlink was worth 20 dollars BEFORE the bullrun

Chainlink was the only coin to have overall been negatively affected by the bullrun cycle, because it didn't pump with the rest, but it did dump with the rest.

As a matter of fact, Chainlink had reached the top 5 of crypto right before the bullrun began. It's crazy to look back on this, right? If it had simply kept its position, it'd be worth hundreds of dollars right now. But despite being top 5 when the bullrun began, it only did a x2 while everything else did x10s, and it lost 20 ranks in the process while everything else climbed up.

And to this day, despite its reputation as 'the bear market coin', it hasn't in fact recovered any strength in the current bear market. In fact, despite its adoption metrics and monopoly as the middleware standard powering defi, it's still behind coins with zero actual usage and use cases, such as Lumens, Shiba, XRP or Cardano. Crazy, right?

And despite confirmed links to SWIFT, retail simply does not care and remains attached to xrp instead anytime crypto is mentioned alongside traditional banking.

It's worth less now than BEFORE the bullrun, meaning before they announced and released CCIP before Eric Schmidt, before Swift blog post confirmation, before scaling to +700 employees, before Functions, before BUILD and SCALE, before the GMX deal... insane right?

>> No.55527607 [View]
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>same price as 3 years ago
>completely flat lined
>zero strength against eth
>needs a x10 to regain ath
>can't even pull a x2 anymore even after firing its biggest shot (swift blog)

>> No.55481352 [View]
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The George Floyd of crypto

Yelling I CAN'T PUMP while officer Sirgay viciously keeps his knee on its neck with weekly dumps, while horrified baggies watch the scene unfold from the sidewalk powerless to do anything about it

Linkies lives don't matter

>> No.55332029 [View]
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I don't get it, why would you purchase an asset with 14% yearly inflation? Even with 4% staking rewards it's still a major loss. Meanwhile real currencies like the US dollar, btc and eth only have like 2% inflation.

>> No.55237565 [View]
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+: it was all true
-: nobody cares

>> No.55218887 [View]
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If you had told me 2 years ago that swift would be releasing an announcement about using Chainlink with the dtcc and various top banks and it'd dump to 5 dollars in indifference, all while the best roi of 2023 would be a coin based on pepe but no one on biz bought it, I would have killed myself

>> No.55150476 [View]
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Partners with china's largest internet conglomerate, releases well produced retail facing marketing, ccip opened to public audits, weekly supply of build projects generously giving away portion of their supply to stakers, oracle less protocols conveniently getting exploited while professor Juels took a day off, coinbase joining as node op... Surely the markets understand what's coming....

>check price
>still dumping

>> No.55018620 [View]
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It literally says in the terms that rising token price would destroy the network stability which is why they pegged it to roughly the price of a cup of coffee, if you don't believe me then just read the white paper and the terms on their official website

Schizos have been blaming cz, mev, vcs, jump for price suppression when it's been Sirgay and Ari all along KEK

>> No.54791878 [View]
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>The Lindy effect (also known as Lindy's Law[1]) is a theorized phenomenon by which the future life expectancy of some non-perishable things, like a technology or an idea, is proportional to their current age. Thus, the Lindy effect proposes the longer a period something has survived to exist or be used in the present, the longer its remaining life expectancy

>If a book has been in print for forty years, I can expect it to be in print for another forty years. But, and that is the main difference, if it survives another decade, then it will be expected to be in print another fifty years. This, simply, as a rule, tells you why things that have been around for a long time are not "aging" like persons, but "aging" in reverse. Every year that passes without extinction doubles the additional life expectancy. This is an indicator of some robustness. The robustness of an item is proportional to its life! [9]

If something gets discussed every day, even if it's fud, this is the surest sign that this thing will stick around and survive. It lives rent free in the fudders mind instead of dissolving into oblivion. Think about it for a moment. No one ever brings up vechain or holochain or iota or stellar anymore. The worst possible fud is dead silence, not constant seething about supposedly dead irrelevant shit. By virtue of the constant acknowledging of link's existence, the fudders perpetuate its long term survival. Winning at crypto is a marathon, it's all about surviving market cycles and remaining relevant. Btc, eth, link. Simple as.

>> No.54678077 [View]
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NOT allowed to breakout

Learn your place linkies, forever below top 20

>> No.54490594 [View]
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>+1000 customers freeloading for the past 5 years
>each customer is now being asked to pay between 100k-2 millions to keep the lights on
>already 25 projects agreed to give up 5% of their entire supply to link stakers
>and that's before ccip flips the switch for real
>token still not needed though

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