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>> No.8851237 [View]
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I initially took up ESL in Korea/Japan for a few years to save money. I couldn't get any job despite good degrees in STEM. When I couldn't even get hired as a dishwasher or other menial jobs in Canada I knew this country was already 3rd world status despite how pretty it looks.

I eventually moved to Australia where the roads are paved with good like the US in the golden 50s. Canadians tend to shit on Australia because MUH cost of living but job are plentiful, wages are good. It's not half as bad as Canadians think. Went from NEET from poor family to 60k job then quickly bounced into job paying 130-140kCAD/yr. Never would have happened in any province of Canada. Made almost 2m in crypto thanks to my disposable income made here.

I went back last year to Toronto. Nothing has changed. Economy always in dumps. People not smiling. Weather is trash. All my friends and family friends all just surviving. I feel bad knowing they have no chance. My cousin who is a big corporate lawyer wants to run to Australia too after hearing stories of dumb Canadians going from rags to riches in Australia. Unfortunately, it has gotten a lot harder to permanently move here in the last decade...

>> No.8488181 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x687, 1521036550804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This phrase is a cliché but not wrong: "people spend money they don't have, on things they don't need to impress people that don't matter".

>> No.8331297 [View]
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Nah, he meant to say that when the universe goes cold and dark, black holes would've consolidated to a few very large ones. Once they reach a tipping point in their infinite mass, they mega implode into a new universe. This process repeats forever. Steven's battery just died and was unable to get it all out.

>> No.8195509 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x687, hahahaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so i'm going to attempt to calm everyone down during this turmoil.

Chainlink is a SOLID INVESTMENT. Not because 4chan is shilling it like a fucking addicted crack baby. No, if you idiots actually read the whitepaper you'll realize chainlink is the most important token needed to converge cryptocurrencies with real-world data.

How is one going to invest in cryptographic projects if they only exist with the digital world? You need chainlink to introduce the real world to the virtual world. And if this happens, chainlink will be worth billions in market cap. I'm talking more than what bitcoin is worth right now.

As for the massive amounts of shilling and idiotic youtube videos about chainlink. Most of this is highly sophisticated FUD in an attempt to get noobs to market sell order their links for either A) Cynical jokes or B) To buy in at a cheaper price.

Mostly A, because the shilling is too obvious that it's a group of people who want to make chainlink look like a ponzi scheme or some form of scam so people will stay away or sell everything they have in it.

Just stay strong and hold your damn links. If the project comes to light anyone who has 10k+ links will be a millionaire.

So with that said, you need to wait now. Put it in a fucking ledger and don't look at the price for months.

Maybe set an alert for when the price reaches some crazy level so you will know that you're on your way to financial freedom.

Goodluck out there anons

>> No.8149929 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x687, 86425DC9-762C-4F85-ADFC-D095F1647DD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overweight unfit piece of shit, just off yourself.

I see such faggots like you from time to time at the gym, they come to change, train a few weeks and then come never again as its too much pain for these pussy boys and apparently they dont see any progress as their endurance is basically not there. You deserve to be wiped out faggot.

>> No.8149184 [View]
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If I were a female reading this thread, fuck, theres like no reason I would not become a golddigger. You all retards are pathetic allowing a fucking vagina to dictate your past and outcomes. Trully sad.

>> No.7971470 [View]
File: 74 KB, 500x687, 61974E04-E985-479A-828B-CF1100E85204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based on your word choice alone I’m willing to bet my entire portfolio you’re a 35-45 year old woman or homosexual man who is extremely emotional and extroverted.

>> No.7608959 [View]
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I'm so fucking mad I discovered MGTOW so late in my life. Read "the tamed male" when I was 16 but you are retarded and horny at that age.

I'm glad I never had to go about shit like you did. But harming a women is never worth it, getting cucked by tyrone for a couple decades thanks to stacey IS NOT WORTH IT and only gives them ammo to keep fucking male rights.


>> No.4280690 [View]
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>have Canadian, Japanese, Australian citizenship

I want to pay as little as possible legally by selling crypto. How?

>> No.4266130 [View]
File: 61 KB, 500x687, 1510008283945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have to put money into crypto via a mainstream Canadian exchange like Quadriga then transfer it into some other account that lets me buy/sell ALTS? What are the top ALT exchanges to use that won't Scam me and have sufficient volume. Pls help. I wanna participate in all these moon missions.

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