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>> No.58586871 [View]
File: 2.90 MB, 1400x2530, globohomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing the coming new world leader isn’t the antichrist
>There will be no supreme world leader, the end goal is philosopher priest kings, decentralized in citadels throughout the world, working with the space pirate mercenary warriors of the future, funded by and managed with cryptocurrency sound money systems based on anarcho capitalist principles.

Anti-christ(s) are those who are out of sync with unity consciousness.
The anti-christs are those who deny realities and attempt to forcefully substitute their own, their ideologies are do not maintain themselves and require recruitment in the forms of brainwashing/coercion. You don't need to coerce the truth, you can't argue something un-true and forcing someone into someone elses truth results in what we are currently experiencing in this 'false' reality matrix ran by clowns. So as we are witnessing their lead has led to ruin, as it always does.
You don't want to live in a reality ran by those not appointed by the creator, and globohomo has done everything possible to make these people out to be the enemy the 'good' guys should look out for.
The story is the same every time, its why holy books warn us even through the malicious editing and omissions we see that God inhabits vessels willing and capable of carrying out his will. Its why "gods" peoples prevail over those spouting false doctrines, they are nothing but misled automatons devoid of the presence of the infinite creator and only accomplish the will of a small group of creators who are misleading the rest of us.
Their will is manifest through us giving coerced consent, we think reality has to be a certain way which is by their design.
Their design keeps our power from us while giving it to them, which makes them the anti-christs.
The unity consciousness that is labeled as 'christ' is that what divide which is why their wordplay says "diversity is our strength" They need us divided, not united.

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