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>> No.8283139 [View]
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He tried to appeal to the right by appealing to freedom of expression and speech. He even threw down the example of college students shouting down conservative speakers to try to make his point. But most conservatives are incapable of recognizing contradictions in their own thought patterns. It was a good try though.
Let's be honest. Freedom of expression is just a punchline conservatives pull out when people won't let them try to make their usual arguments in favor of segregation, disenfranchisement of subhumans, etc. Exactly like the far left, they don't actually value the concept; if you disagree with their value system, they just want you to be quiet.

I feel bad for Hoskinson, he got fucked over hard here.
The only "argument" that could have appeased the right is to fire the tranny. But then he gets fucked over by the leftist media. He can't win. His only hope was that conservatives might have enough intellect to let him ride the fence. Alas, they do not.

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