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>> No.55497910 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1749x1750, Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia confirms
Yeah, no.
Russia? While not everyone is full on
>Muh Putler! Ukraine is winning!!
like the west(ern media), everybody now knows that Putin is on his last legs. If anything, they're joining because it serves their interest and/or they think they can probably take advantage of the collapse of Russia.
>on RT
Well, just because state propaganda says something, it musn't necessarily be true. It's hilarious how you folks mistrust the western press by default (as you should, mostly) but then choose to believe the propaganda of the opposite side. Yes, our media sucks, but compared to russian media, it's the gospel of truth.
>backed by gold
Lol. So it's going to be IOUs, backed by gold, trust us bro, we do have the physical gold, and yes, sure, you can redeem any time you want, but yeah, uhh… please do not redeem right now, it's a bit inconvinient, you know, Ivan got drunk and lost the keys to the vault, can you come back, uh… maybe tomorrow, when we've maybe got it back and Igor is on shift, and he doesn't drink as much as Ivan, so he'll probably not loose the key and… oh, look! Over there! An Ukrainian Nazi!

The dollar is fucked and you should stack some PMs, but please stop it with that BRICS magical thinking!

And pic kinda related.

>> No.54594134 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1749x1750, Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Chervonets. There's like dozens of spellings for that thing.
Used to be a popular bullion coin in europe, back in the days of the soviet union, when they had to try all kinds of stuff to get hard currency.
Funny how they're on their way back to that, but in hard-mode, with sanctions and all that.

>> No.54008765 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1749x1750, Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Russian gold.
(and Belarussian silver)

>> No.53340560 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1749x1750, Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spasiba, or something…
>credit, normies have huge amounts of consumer debt.
Yeah, and I can kinda understand why you'd "need" it, for a house or something, but then why add a lifestyle you can't afford on top of it?
>>the governement will surely help me out
>lol, lmao even
Yes, but it seems like this is the expectation. I'm happy to live in Europe with a social system and welfare and shit, but we'd all be better off if that would be treated as emergency-only and not as free handouts like it is. It's either the few idiots that still work paying retarded taxes or money-printer-goes-brrr, which is now fucking us all.
>if you dont have any consumer debt you're richer than most normies, it all comes crashing down on them later. I've jsut learned that Im in the "top" 27% with my salary in my country and Im still poor as shit kek.
Same here. Depending on which statistic I'm looking at (>>53340500 yes, I know, but still) I'm also in that bracket, and while I don't see myselef as poor, I'm nowhere near the top quarter. WTF, man.

>> No.53204992 [View]
File: 1.01 MB, 1749x1750, Vodka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How does a westerner like me get the Russian cat coin for cheapies?
Just wait. Unless something weird happens, Russia will just devolve even deeper into shithole territory and then they'll be forced to sell gold again for cheap to get some foreign currency, just like during the soviet times.
BTW, what happend to a all the other pan anons? There used to be at least one or two regulars, and in autumn, quite a few guys asked about advice for equipment and getting started. But seems like it's only pan man and me.
Did they all give up after realizing that you generally don't get rich of panning a bit and that it's hard work?

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