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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55534127 [View]
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Another day. Parts came in for my lawn mower. Fixed it and got the yard all done before the coming rain. Got a plan worked out where come tax refund time in 2024 I can use that money and some extra to fill my VZ share quota I'm aiming for. Then merely let it all drip and roll while I knock down my debt,stuff my emergency fund and retirement accounts, and enjoy life while I await retirement day in 13 years.

>> No.55513368 [View]
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Spent the weekend doing nothing. Now I'm home today taking care of things (What? Things needed doing so I took the day off work to deal with it all in one shot). I ordered another gun online last week,week before, and I hope they send me an e-mail today saying "come and get it" Would make my day even better.

>> No.55505628 [View]
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Relaxing day. Jacked my 401k contributions 5% in preparation for my now fatter salary. My pension will also get jacked more. True, I may not have the most exciting job in the world but you know a lot of people would be glad for it due to the fact I don't have any stress or deal with any bullshit at all. In other words; I go in relaxed, I leave relaxed for 5 days straight. Then I stay relaxed the whole weekend to. Makes for a healthy body and mind.

>> No.55495300 [View]
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Another week in the bag. Another hentai chapter got read last night. Stranded on a deserted island w/my classmates chap.11. (1 dude;10 girls). So anyway so far lucky fucker has creampied all but 3 and had an epic orgy. Well now he's finally getting to the holdouts. Funny enough the whole "pregnant thing" hasn't been brought up once even though he's been doing it bareback for the whole series.

>> No.55478440 [View]
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Another day. Got the official notice today about my raise. Effective this month. Won't actually see the extra green though till the 30th's pay check. They (legislature) left enough money untouched to give another 6% pay raise next year to.

>> No.55467710 [View]
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Day off today. Doing nothing but relaxing till tonight when we're gonna pop off some fireworks. Found out that I'm in line to inherit 100+ acres of land. Which on the one hand sucks cause uh that'd mean someone would be dead. The other hand WTF would I even do with it? By the time this all happens barring something bad, hell I'll be in my 60's at least. I'll be to fucking old to fuck about with taking care of something like that.

>> No.55405991 [View]
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Another day. Another day of afternoon napping. Another day of KO share bagging during the morning. They pay me for doing "nothing". Life is hard..but oh well someone's gotta do it.

>> No.55396630 [View]
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Welp year 2023 is almost halfway done. Thank god. I've spent way to much so far this year. Most of it was shat I needed to. Not like I just went "oh hey lets blow this money for the fuck of it". Just 2 more things on the list and I'm fucking done with it. New tires for the car (Nov) and another 22LR revolver cause I liked the first one I bought so much I'm gonna buy another for a collectable (sept/oct)

>> No.55392472 [View]
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Sigh getting ready to spend round $880 for things for the house. New dishwasher and a new kitchen facet. Haul away fee and tax included. Not to bad all considered. Paid $500 for the current dishwasher back in 2008. Was gonna wait till next year to do this but a sale is on now. Reg price the dishwasher alone is round 900. So either take advantage or let it slip away and pay more later.

>> No.55384775 [View]
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Another week is done. I've done nothing all day today. Just sat at my desk and did nothing.

>> No.55376135 [View]
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Another day. Bought more KO and DIS. My new server cost me $2,138 to build. Hey that's not bad. The old one cost just $1,900 and it lasted me 3 years. (will remain as an offline archive storage dump).

>> No.55355763 [View]
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Been busy. Prepping for a new home server. Honestly haven't looked at my stocks or bought anything or did nothing related to that for a week or so now.

>> No.55320798 [View]
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Sigh. Newegg still has those HDD on sale. Sold some of my DIS to buy them. All set to pull the trigger. But I couldn't do it. I'm weak.. Kek, more like I'm to fucking responsible. It makes me sick. As to what I'll do with the money, well it just so happens my remaining credit card debt will be wiped out once the funds settle so there's that. As to my sold DIS shares, don't worry none. I'll buy them back. That's what tax refunds are good for. Nice lump of green. Read vol 9 of "My Friend's Sister has it in for me" again. I dunno I kinda think the author has some big shocking thing planned for later. I mean up till now the main dude's been in "will he or won't he mode" far as picking which girl to confess to. (both want him; like I said he's a fucktard). He finally works out which one he likes and is handed a perfect setup to get it over with but the author never lets it happen. So I dunno maybe there's some big nasty thing planned far as that goes. Shame cause I want the main dude and the main girl to get together. (Hey I like good endings ok. Also the main girl is hot so there's that to)

>> No.55308824 [View]
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Another day. Did "nothing" again this afternoon. Ate a little ceaser's combo meal for lunch, walked outside a bit, then napped during the afternoon. Hey its not that I'm a lazy bum; actually I've got a good worth ethic.Just I'm to good at my job. I get it all done by 12. Hard to believe I know. Considering I uh kinda just fell into doing what I do and all. Newegg sent me a thing in my inbox; they knocked $370 off the 20TB hdd. Why must life hate me?.!! Why. I hate being a responsible adult. I'm needing to upgrade my server anyway. Then this lands. Tempting me. Fuck.

>> No.55298201 [View]
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Another day. Bagged more VZ. Hey I paid all my bills, slashed my credit card debt in half,etc so I can go about re-building my VZ position no problem. Due to the fact I "do nothing" at work after lunch I've been binge reading "My Friend's Sister has it in for me" So I'm all caught up now and ready for vol 10 later this year. The main dude's actually started to not be such a fucktard finally. I mean it's kinda sad; Seems everyone in the book knows there's something "there" between them but the main dude's just ignorant as hell about it all. Up till the last few books that is. Finally woke up. But can't really say much else cause I don't want to spoil it. But like they say "nothing's easy" Lots of uh twists and turns and still other things going on before they maybe I dunno confess to each other. But if you haven't read it you may want to. Features cheating,drug use, lies, comedy,sex jokes, hot females, and other things all set in a typical Japanese high school. There's also hot pictures of the girls in the books and on the cover so yeah.

>> No.55285790 [View]
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Welp another day. Credit card debt gets slashed in half tomorrow. So all in all I'm happy. The debt itself didn't bother me; it was the obscene payment that would've resulted had I not taken drastic action. Branched out a bit; no, its not hentai, but its not your uh regular normal type book either. Called "My Friend's Sister has it in for me" In all honesty I only started it cause the main female lead was hot and the prologue the main lead spouts off was interesting. 9 volumes w/#10 around the corner. Gist; High school dude by day, gamer project lead the rest of the time, recruits like minded friends to start their own game company and product. No one knows who they are except very few people. Sounds good right? Well now you toss in your typical school/teenage shat and some other things and the plot thickens. Also the dude's clueless; he's got two girls after him and he's a clueless fucktard about one of them wanting to be a lot more than friends (personally uh I'd gladly be more than "friends" with her) (Hint; It's the main female lead; pics of her in the books and on the covers)

>> No.55256388 [View]
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Kek I'm kinda a jack of all trades kinda guy. Grew up working on a farm as a kid/teen so was exposed to all sorts of things. Had a knack for computers/IT so took and passed A+ and Network+. Worked in the private sector for a bit (not in IT). Got on with my current employer, again not in IT but the goal was to move into that. Fast forward a year. They (big HR I guess?) made the decision to as IT jobs opened up to just out source them instead. The remaining IT listed jobs were all in areas I didn't want to do or had no interest in doing (Mangers, Developers/programmers). So if I wanted into IT I would have to quit my job (and forfeit my benefits/early retirement). So yeah needless to say I said "fuck that". Fast forward another few years. Ironically I'm actually good at what I do even if it's not what I set out to do originally so they keep promoting me. Now I'd be an utter fool to toss it all away especially since uh I do "nothing much" for a good part of the day and I've got just 13-14 years left till retirement day.

>> No.55243348 [View]
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Another day. Got a mysterious package from amazon today. Didn't remember ordering it. Looked at my history. Uh I placed the order in 2021.. Took this fucking long to show up. Funny thing is I don't need it anymore. But oh well. Bagged 10 more VZ today. I'm almost fucking broke again. Domino's is having a 50% off deal on all online orders so pizza tonight.

>> No.55231599 [View]
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Relaxing day off. Took care of a "shat happens" thing. The hit wasn't as bad to the wallet as I was expecting. To celebrate (and cause we haven't done it for several months) me and the Wife hit up BigBoys for lunch. Also bagged more VZ.

>> No.55222873 [View]
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Disturbing news today. Got a hold of the insurance paperwork they make you fill out when you retire that has all the calculations,etc in it as to what you pay (or they cover). Prior to June 2003 they picked up the full tab for ins coverage. Cheapest plan option is like 1640 a month for a married couple (2023 rates; amount is half that if single). So due to under the rug changes even after I maxed out my pension (32 years) a large chunk of my check would go for insurance coverage alone. "Company" would only pay for uh 448 a month of that 1640 total leaving me to pay for the rest of it. If it wasn't for the ins cost hell my pension alone would cover all my other expenses. As it stands its cheaper for me to keep working (350 a month for health/vision/dental for me and my wife) till I hit 65 and went on fed govt dime.

>> No.55210351 [View]
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Another day. Made the hard (not really) choice to sell my bank stocks and roll that into more VZ. Was easy choice; I don't have any accounts with BAC or C and well VZ's fat yield and divvy beats both. Also I'm a VZ customer. Now if I held COF that'd been a different mater due to me having business there.

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