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>> No.59780047 [View]
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same bro. the first 6 months of 2024 was pure torture. i can't go through that again

>> No.59663021 [View]
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>> No.58865323 [View]
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>Did a phone interview
>Interviewer literally says you don't have the experience or education to succeed in this position

I guess I'll never have a career then

>> No.58524399 [View]
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>Not even Walmart is hiring in my area

Yeah we're In a major recession

>> No.58493886 [View]
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>You need at least $10 million to make a significant change to your life.
$10 million is still not life changing money.
I have $15 million and women still don't want to date me.
If you're a bald manlet like me, you need at least $25 million to even get a date these days.

>> No.58476630 [View]
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>Walmart is now laying off it's tech workers

It's officially over. What's next for us techbros

>> No.58441784 [View]
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>Too educated for manual labor/retail jobs, too autistic for white collar jobs

What kind of career can I even have?

>> No.58429830 [View]
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>> No.58409488 [View]
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>Going back to your old job

Is this the most emasculating, embarrassing thing a career man can do?

>> No.58354266 [View]
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I just want a job that will pay the bills and have some leftover for my hobbies. Is that really too much to ask for

>> No.58339408 [View]
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>$24/hr + union

TFW my job is literally just stocking sodas. That's it. I went wrong somewhere

>> No.58144589 [View]
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>Accountant (non CPA)

>> No.58103864 [View]
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>this and next year will be big
Yeah, I never heard it before

>> No.58088570 [View]
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>Accountant(not CPA)

>> No.58064651 [View]
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It took me hitting rock bottom before realizing that accounting is a stable, safe, easy to get job that'll provide for my future. It must be why so many people change to it as their second career

>> No.58043299 [View]
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>TFW it's impossible to have a decent career when you have mental problems

I don't want a mcjob. I want a job that'll pay my rent and bills

>> No.58030103 [View]
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>Certified Public Accountant
>$55k a year

>> No.58027420 [View]
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I'm gonna lose my job because I'm mentally ill. How do I even begin saving money for retirement?

>> No.57981734 [View]
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It's a strange feeling.

I've accumulated a fair amount of BTC/ETH, and I know that if I were to set a sell target and take profits I could maybe get back in again on the next bear and multiply my bags.

But it's scary to dump these amounts and 'gamble' that I'll get a lower price in the future.

What if I fuck up and end up selling at a worse price because BTC and ETH are not dumping into a good level for me to re enter?

Idk bros, what do I do...

>> No.57979402 [View]
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>TFW it took me hitting rock bottom to realize that despite being a boring profession, accounting brings in decent money

>> No.57789599 [View]
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How do people who live paycheck to paycheck not go crazy knowing one sickness, one accident can put them in a financial hole they'll never recover from?

>> No.57421973 [View]
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>Master's in Business Analytics

I paid $125k for that paper

>> No.57379329 [View]
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Got bored and decided to look up former classmates
>VP of emerging markets
>Legal Controller
>Equity Analyst
>Data Scientist
>Merchant Growth Analyst
>Regional Operations Manager
>Technical Investigator
>Marketing Director
>Tax Manager

Meanwhile, I sell milk. Honest God, I sell milk, & I have to try to convince store managers to give us shelf space, like it's milk.

>> No.57374068 [View]
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I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This shit is killing me. There are days when all i do is sleep. This kind of fatigue is inexplicable. I eat well, i exercise, i do whatever i see online that is supposed to help me, yet my energy level is below 10%, and my sleep sucks. It's bad. I don't know what to do. No matter what i try, nothing helps. Sometimes i want to kill myself. Obviously i won't do it, but that's how i feel. To add to that, i am a GME bagholder. My investment in this shit is -70% at the moment, and i don't see this shit turning around anytime soon. I feel raped by wall street. So yeah, life sucks right now.

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