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>> No.59401526 [View]
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>> No.58294172 [View]
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>selling right after the halving

>> No.58182466 [View]
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>> No.57720874 [View]
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not paying attention to any token besides BRC20

>> No.57420179 [View]
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>Read a clock
>There are no letters in it

>> No.56829394 [View]
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So? You'll make this exact same thread in like less than a week.
This lmao. I don't know what the point is, I just buy/sell before 40k is confirmed so I can actually long. Kava to $1 and Eth $2.5 eom by the way.

>> No.55652352 [View]
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fo sure my man. also repeat with me:
>"$1,000 thousand US american dollars by 2035"
>"just need two more billion in liquid capital"

>> No.55453213 [View]
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Imagine taking out student loans. LMAO. I went to my local State Uni, so I didn't pay exorbitant out of state fees. And I did well in high school, so I had a decent amount in grants and scholarships, so I was able to go to college without taking out a single loan. In fact, I sometimes received so much in scholarships, that it was more than the amount in tuition and fees, so I was getting paid to go to college. It's so nice going to college for free. I did also work to have an income, but I didn't need to. I just chose too. And now I work a decent job in my field. I basically got the Boomer experience without any real issue. It's hard to even sympathize with you guys since it seemed so damn easy, but I was probably just lucky and not stupid with my money.

>> No.55438661 [DELETED]  [View]
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American detected. Enjoy your hags.

>> No.54556146 [View]
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>it's impossible for my investment to do badly

>> No.54378383 [View]
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>Service would become Walmart tier

It's already Walmart tier, some bimbo who dropped out of community college middle man-ing my drinks and food doesn't make it elite. I'm not as easily impressed as you are apparently

>Most restaurants these days require...

Absolutely not my problem in any reality or imagination stretch. Thanks for this post, it's going to inspire me to continue not tipping everywhere I go. The irony of calling everyone poors and trying to beg 15 percent of my bill just because is hilarious

>> No.54179932 [View]
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>he didn't sell 0dte naked calls for beer money

>> No.53700906 [View]
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>median end-of-year projection of 5.1%

>> No.53387124 [View]
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Imagine buying stocks that just keep going down while cash returns 4% lmao couldn't be me.

>> No.53321419 [View]
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>> No.53195475 [View]
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> thinks sperm banks do anything other than horde sperm for experiments
> doesn’t donate sperm to his bathroom sink regularly to increase the biodiversity of the sewer rat people to aid in their inevitable uprising against the depravity of the surface dwellers

>> No.52846072 [View]
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>we have a large majority of funds in this now failed meme
>hedge fund
no you are not a a hedge fund

>> No.52505360 [View]
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And who cares? Their existence has no meaning on the industry whatsoever. Kneel to your Binance overlords faggot, buy and stake on Holoclear and Pancakeswap, buy Binance Token, put your stables on BUSD, and more importantly, buy Bitcoin.

>> No.52317728 [View]
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>Strength leading the country

They almost seem like they are purposely bricking our economy and are balls deep in policies that are annihilating the spending power of their precious "base" lol.

By the way I don't see anything here implying they "stole" the election. They were re elected by actual mouth breathing retards like you en masse because your phone told you to vote blue

>> No.51656101 [View]
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>participating in IDOs, presales and new nft mintings

>> No.51406882 [View]
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>"ay who dat baby girl, my nigga?"
>"baby girl"
>look at hands
>mfw pic related

>> No.51365071 [View]
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do you know how to draw, anon?

>> No.50626114 [View]
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you bought the bottom when you really probably fomod in near the top and turned into a bag holder and now you're thrilled it's pumping at all even though it's still shit comapred to it's ATH and never going to print again

>> No.50583863 [View]
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Aliens been here for thousands of years. Read the hindi bhagavad gita dipshit.

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