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>> No.57480188 [View]
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If you keep it pumping you will crash the whole market, you're playing with fire stinkies. Stop pumping. It needs to go back to $14 NOW.

>> No.57472664 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 22 KB, 1907x728, 326_Chainlink_color_logo_O1kmmQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my LINKbros.

I am part of an angel investor group ($1MM+ liquid NW) and get kicked crypto opportunities pretty regularly these days.

I recently got an offer to invest in blueberry as a SAFE, at a post-money cap of $15MM on 7.5% of the token distribution. So essentially they are raising at $200MM valuation. Which is fucking insane, but this is crypto.

3.5% of the token supply will go to the BUILD program (Chainlink was a seed investor, btw).

You can imagine VCs/angels will want a positive return, and in crypto usually that # is 10x. So this will likely be a $2B mcap token.

If stakers get 50% of the 3.5%, then that's $3.5MM at the $200MM valuation. Distributed amongst 40,875,000 LINK, that's $.085/LINK token, so if you have a full 15k stack single wallet, this drop will be worth MINIMALLY $1,275 - that money is essentially guaranteed. More than likely, you will get between $5-15k, adding 2-6% APR to your current staking gains at current LINK prices.

This is from a single BUILD drop. There are 60+ of these coming your way, if you assume maybe 10% have this kind of performance... basically if you have 15k LINK staked you're easily looking at 5 figures of airdrops coming your way, possibly 6.

I know, we haven't gotten shit yet so it still feels like "show me the fucking money", but at the very least I can tell you this ONE company is legit and will raise capital and you're going to see that value come to you probably this year.

Godspeed, marines.

>> No.57444125 [View]
File: 22 KB, 1907x728, 326_Chainlink_color_logo_O1kmmQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not really a post about Chainlink, it could have been any token... but not selling at $50 was probably the biggest mistake of my life. I could have retired and was too stupid at the time to calculate that reality correctly, kept thinking I actually needed more without considering simple alterations to the equation like moving to a lower cost of living area. Held all the way down.

The last few years due to a variety of life changes I have entered complete emotional despair, driven almost fully by my work situation and exasperated ironically by the few good things I have and having no real time for them.

I wake up literally every day thinking about the "what if" and wondering if I'll ever have the opportunity again, and realizing realistically at any moment this market could shit itself completely but it's still my best shot at escape. It's a weird sense of despair where I feel trapped by my own past more than anything else, because of longing for that freedom that was once within grasp.

It made me realize how absolutely fucked the society we built is, where money literally = freedom, and you are quite literally a slave to the system unless you happen to luck into a job that is something where you can't imagine wanting to spend your time doing anything else. Do this shit for 40-50 years and then die. What is that?

Anyone else know this feel?

>> No.57269766 [DELETED]  [View]
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Last time it really ran it went from around $12 to over $30 in about the span of a month. It happens fast, when nobody expects it.

It feels like a storm is brewing, doesn't it, anon? Fud is at all time highs, the market-wide scam rally is cooling. Don't forget who started this entire run. Coincidental it also kicked off the last bull run, yes?

>> No.57029648 [View]
File: 22 KB, 1907x728, 326_Chainlink_color_logo_O1kmmQ-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumps in your path

>> No.56599182 [View]
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I can't even enjoy these gains after holding this long. It actually gives me anxiety to watch the number go up because I'm just waiting for it to crash back down.

>> No.56410926 [View]
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I'm too poor to make it by putting my monies on btc so I guess I go with alts. I was thinking to all-in this old-school bic mac coin. Any thoughts?

>> No.56396221 [View]
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>avoids single handedly the bull run to begin

>> No.55885871 [View]
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The world is basically shit now and none of us are going to be allowed to own anything or retire, so the only chance at escape is an insane gamble of all of your money.

For me, it's blockchain. And here's the thing I've noticed about blockchain: It doesn't do anything. The only projects that do something right now are Ethereum which is a bloated piece of shit, and Chainlink.

As far as I can see, if Chainlink fails, all of blockchain fails.

So I ignore the market's retardation. Dog coins in the top 20, vaporware cult of personality shitcoins in the top 10, etc. I don't care, it's all temporary noise. I am just simply going to buy as much LINK as possible and when all the dust settles I'll either be wealthy enough to escape the shit show world or blockchain has become worthless overall and I probably never stood a chance to begin with.

I'm giving it 10 more years of accumulating anything under $100, and no dumb shit that spews out of your keyboard right now is going to change that.

>> No.55833986 [View]
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Any other ~50k anons ever think by this time we still wouldn't have made it?

I kind of regret not taking home my $2 million, even though anything less than $4 million today is poverty status.

This is not a demoralization thread, I know anons with less will not like this post and I'm sorry. But there are a lot of us here with 50k like me who held through all this shit.

I think Smartcon and the ability to stake more and actually cash out rewards will be good for my mental health, but I doubt it'll move price too much.

Ah well, idk why I made this post. Misery loves company, I suppose.

To end this I will say that any posts made in this thread will drive towards positive price action for LINK, they will fuel the LINK token's energy, whether they are fud or anything else. So thank you for posting in this thread.

>> No.55690297 [View]
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It's really struggling. Now tried to get through and maintain 3 times and failed. 4th times the charm? Or are we going back to $6.66?

It's not as much that I care about the token as much as it is that I just want my real life to begin.

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