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>> No.28893679 [View]
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Post something from 2017 and earlier to prove you're not a newfag

>> No.10823579 [View]
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>> No.8005310 [View]
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It's 300,000%

And, more than that, IOTA and NEO are in the 400,000% range.

>> No.7796503 [View]
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Auf seiten wie Kraken und Bittrex kannst du alle deine historischen trades als .csv file runterladen und du kannst sie auch bei cointracking reinklopfen und die die zu versteuernden ganz ausrechnen lassen.

Nach 1 Jahr halten ist das NEO steuerfrei. Dann hast du kurz BTC. Wenn BTC um 10€ pro BTC steigt, dann sind diese 10€ pro BTC auch zu versteuern. ABER. Du wirst gut sagen können was der Tagesmittelwert-Preis war, also würde ich bei kauf- und verkauf innerhalb von 24 Stunden mal ein Auge zudrücken.

To be fair, ich war auf ner Blockchain Konferenz auf der WU und da war ne Steuerberateing, die schon Ether ICO Leuten die erklärung gemacht hat, und selbst sie meinte bei unter €5000 würde sie auf die Erklärung scheißen, weil's niemand interessiert. Aber ich hab halt das hundertfache und drum bin ich liebe cuck für die keinen ganz und bin dafür fein raus was die großen gainz angeht.

>> No.7502723 [View]
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That will depend on your perspective. I think it's fairly evident that crypto is here to stay in one form or another, and even if the main transfer of value ledger will eventually be made by google or whatnot and all current dApps are experiements and business ideas that don't work, having those skills is valuable and will be needed. If you know how to deploy a website and do RPC calls, you're 40% there.
Besides actually working with a project, you can also just get involved with communities like ARK or NOW and get rewards for doing pull requests. You can easily wage $3000 a month from home like that.
Or here, in 3 weeks ten people will get $50.000 each for protoyping contracts on NEO
If it's like last time, the competition consists of maybe thirty teams and ten of it get a stack that a normie will never see, simply because those projects need devs more than money. As they all have millions and billions to spend.

>> No.6179417 [View]
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because they can get away with it?

applies to both genders, tho

>> No.4690700 [View]
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They focus on money/bank'ish transaction type of smart contracts. Not general purpose decentralized nodes running virtual machines to execute anything.

The smart contract idea (like proof of work) is from the 90's and initially intented to formalize laws and such, and while poeple mostly use it for ICO's (creating token, which are nothing more than key-value pairs like a json file), they are also used for voting or reward logic - like steemit. This is not money transactions. Zen protocol has a focus on le money.

It's be the ETH and then ETC guys who implemented their academic consensus paper in Haskell (also a functinal language like the SC part of Zen protocol). I'm sure they are good, but Cardano doesn't do smart contracts yet.

>> No.4578621 [View]
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Since it's the golden rule to diversity, how much should I invest in bitcoin Diamon, Super Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash PLUS




I'm thinking of 35% each

>> No.4067183 [View]
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>> No.4064426 [View]
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What are some blockchain and smart contract buzzwords that start with i or h?

>> No.3924579 [View]
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There are a few million bitcoin wallets being used and other coins are gathered on exchanged. Point is that very few people own cryptos, even if they heard of it.
What's more, nobody really uses bitcoin for transactions (except to buy drugs online) and people only hold or trade as of now.
A blockchain protocol is comparable to http, the hypertext transfer protocol which we all use to interpret data on the web using a browser.
The whole sphere lives off the idea that it will find mainstream adoption - which may or may not happen.

The market cap (pic related) mirrors how much money people have put into an asset. 50% of all money in crypto is in bitcoin. 20% is in Ethereum. It's extremely unlikely that bitcoin makes a 2x jump, because that would require a whole lot of people to invest, new money coming in. However, if you take the coin with market cap #50, which is relatively small, then this coin could gain 2x of it's value in a day, just because money moves from bitcoin to it.

Bitcoin is fairly ancient, even in technology by now, although it has many core developers. And "many" in crypto means 15. This sphere is nothing like the real world, where a company with 300 people takes 6 years to get listed on the stock market and slowly grows. Since crypto is unregulated, you only need 2 manager, 2 devs and lots of news to get the same market cap as a 300 people company.

It's speculation. That being said, it will probably take off quite a bit more over the next 2 years.

>> No.3720928 [View]
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>> No.3704304 [View]
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It's a project tied to a whole range of universities (Edinburgh / Athens / Connecticut / Kent) and original ETH and then ETC people.
If I had to guess, I suppose their very early blockchain roots is why the might have high volume bitcoin connections

They use Haskell (or, as /g/ would say, Haskell!), which is great, and their own derivatives thereof (those ETH people and their widget language).
Sounds like formally verifiable and with an educational emphasis. A bit sandboxy.
They indeed have ridiculously high caliber academics and then some ETH coders in their team. "awesome fundamentals", as they say, no? Although my money is in Neo.
But it's very interesting to me, as I have a youtube channel on blockchain + functional programming. I'll make a video about them.


>> No.3652240 [View]
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Which coin are you talking about?

Because at ICO, you got 200 NEO for 3.2$.

>> No.3530667 [View]
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12 cents is almost expensive

thereare investors whobought 200 NEO for 3.2$ and similar for ETH and the like

>> No.3499715 [View]
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>> No.3464104 [View]
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I have a stack that goes up a few k with every dollar move.

Nobody has income until he cashes out.

If you maid such hyptothetical gains with a coin you think can only grow, you can put in 1k$ in the same coin each month and have it multiplied, while still having your overall outcome be positive.

I also wrote a trading bot, but it's peanuts compared to a good moon from a coin you went in on early. Assume you have 1 BTC and have the bot spend 10% of your BTC to buy low and sell high. Say you sell at a plus of 3% after a day or two. That's a few dollars and a capical of 400$ had been locked in for that. Because it's possible to do, trading bitcoin isn't trading, it's moving your money around to have your shit in the right slot for a 2x or more.

>> No.3422798 [View]
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100 NEO were 3.2$ at ICO price. I'm certain there are a few who spend 3k$ on it, making for 1/10 of a mill accessible for any normie. And growing

>> No.3410696 [View]
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a bug was found and fixed

the refugee thing will not affect shit in the short run

>> No.3403621 [View]
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>> No.3358616 [View]
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Ein damaliger Mitschüler von mir wurde Poker-Profi, hat Millionen verdient und auch mal 5k im Monat für nen Blog angeboten bekommen. funfact: er hat's nicht gemacht, war ihm zu blöd.
Beim NEO ICO vor 2 Jahren hättest du glaub ich auch 1k NEO für 50€ o

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