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>> No.53283210 [View]
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Oh sorry, is your little number goin down again?

>> No.53270102 [View]
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I sold just like 20 minutes ago right before that last dump. I took almost 40% profit over just a few days primarily on Cardano. Sorry, but you're greedy as shit if you get 40% gains in a few days in any market and then you're too stupid to sell. "Pigs get slaughtered" goddamn WTF IDK what else to tell you stupid rightwing nazi idiots. Maybe stick to investing in meth and tranny blowup dolls to satiate your secret gay nazi fetishes, I dunno.

>> No.53030142 [View]
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The US stock market has long defied fundamental analysis and continued to grow in speculative value despite itself. Despite the writing being clearly on the wall that the western capitalist empire is failing, and the eastern communist empire is the future. It is simply far more efficient and produces far more, while simultaneously providing a higher quality of life for workers, which in turn leads to even more production in many ways.

It says a lot that Chinese stocks are going through the roof and we have opened quite low.

I officially think that if we don't rally today, in what has historically been one of the best weeks overall for the stock market, then the sentiment has finally hit the street. And the rose tinted glasses that investors usually see the stock market through have finally dulled and faded.

Reality. Hard reality, is setting in. The end of capitalism. The end of America.

I do not understand why any human being has had even 1 dollar in the markets all through 2022. I've had almost nothing in the entire year. I've been trying to explain to all of you how bad things are for a long time now and none of you have listened. Oh well.

>> No.52909535 [View]
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It's almost sad at this point seeing how much money you people lose. I have been making posts all year trying to warn you against putting your money in the markets. You are too stupid. The issue is that you're a bunch of rightwingers. Which means you're retarded people. Your views are retarded. You're uneducated. You're insane. You think through emotions. Primarily fear and hatred (both of which are inextricably linked). Everything in your life comes down to ultra-simplistic platitudes, black and white thinking, ultra simplicity. It's always ultra simplicity. Like you take all of the complicated issues in the world and you distill it all down to "it's the jews" or "just blame the jews". That's because you're super stupid people.

And as super stupid people you can't make responsible decisions. You sure as fuck can't do trading.

Do you wanna know why I knew that the markets would crash all year and you all didn't? There are two main reasons.

1) Education. I have an actual education. I have spent my entire life studying the economy and how it all works. You all, by contrast, believe retarded GOP platitudes like "le inflation is caused by le money printer" and just utterly moronic hillbilly bullshit that is totally false.

You all shit on education. "Le education is le indoctrination" because you're a stupid hillbilly in a trailer who doesn't know shit. Meanwhile, I spent my entire life with my face buried in books, studying shit, testing shit, interning and working in a certain field and getting real hands on experience.

But your attitudes on the right is just "hurrrr I'm a hillbilly and I know everything" even though you don't. You don't know shit. Because you're ignorant and stupid.

2) I am sane. You are not. You are rightwing psychos which means you're delusional and totally governed by your own paranoia and fears of others.

>> No.52886557 [View]
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I have made so many posts warning you dumb nazi meth heads that the markets weren't gonna go up. All year. I posted all year warning you all. What do I get in response. "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot".

Stupid people, man.

I further made posts explaining to you that by being rightwingers, and thus inevitably supporting the higher rates, you were fucking yourselves over. I tried to explain that YOU were the ones that were gonna be hurt by the high rates. And that you should instead lobby for low rates + price controls instead. But you didn't wanna do that because your beloved GOP brainwashed you to believe retarded things like "high rates are good" and "le money printing is making le inflation" and other such uneducated, GED-tier stupidities.

And what did I get for it? "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot".


And where are you now? Fuckin broke.
And where am I? Well, I'm still quite wealthy and still managed to add to my portfolio somewhat even during a downturn. So that's the difference between us. Me > You. Communists > Rightwingers.

Now I will try to explain to you again that both the federal reserve and congress exists to serve YOUR interests as voters. If YOU as the voting public lobby for lower rates, YOU can get lower rates. If YOU as the voting public lobby for price controls (instead of stupidly opposing them as rightwingers do) then YOU can get them. And YOU can have an economy that works more for yourself rather than for the rich.

But the catch is you gotta stop being a dumb, paranoid, fearful, uneducated rightwing hillbilly. And start actually learning how shit works in the real world, outside of your 4chan autismo fever dreams.

And what will I get in return for this thread? "Fuck off commie". "Fuck off libtard". "Fuck off faggot"

>> No.52870063 [View]
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I tried to tell you tardfaces it was a bear market rally. So many times I tried to tell you. I made so many posts. I said it was the most blatant bear market rally you'd ever conceive of.

You didn't listen because you are all such stupid people.

The only reason I even try to tell you is because I'm a communist and the only group of people I hate more than rightwingers is bankers. And the money you lose in markets generally goes to bankers.

But nobody can help you because you're inherently a self-destructive group of poor, rightwing retards.

Now I will repeat what I have always told you- The rate hikes are like financial gravity. Your dumb capitalism markets can't go up in a rising rate environment unless there's something VERY specific that's going to push them up (a condition which does not exist presently). So you're really stupid to be putting your money into them in a rising rate environment.

Now, you don't like that? Oh well, you're the people who cause it. You protect the interests of private bankers by opposing the expansion of the federal reserve to give the voting public more control, and thus more tools, to target issues in the US economy without destroying worker's wages and pulling everything down into a black hole of poverty.

You all oppose that. And you whine "muh inflation!". Never mind that most of you are poor, which means that you have low wages and debt, which means you are literally the primary group of people that inflation in this economy is designed to help. So you WERE benefiting greatly from inflation....but you all had to go advocating against your own economic interests, as usual, because you're dumb uneducated hillbillies getting conned by retarded, blatantly false GOP "muh money printer is causing the inflation" asinine stupidity.

Oh well, it's done now, but YOU suffer the consequences, which always involve your own rightwing poverty.

PS suck my dick and I hate you all

>> No.52758996 [View]
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Excuse me. *TING TING TING*. Come all ye posters and gather round, por favor. As I have an important announcement to make about financial markets and your impending financial futures

>> No.52742070 [View]
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I made so many posts over recent months about how these markets aint going up. About how the recent pump was a blatant bear market rally. About how there's no way in hell any market is going to seriously go up right now.

None of you listened.

You all just said the usual stupidity.

Go oh making your stupid posts about how "inflation is caused by money printing" and "the federal reserve is bad!" and "cutting taxes for the rich ackshually helps the working class!" and other such stupidities. You people are jokes and you frustrate me to no end, but you know what? Thanks to your stupidity, you make a lot of other people rich in markets. Because your money, your stupidmoney that you inevitably lose in markets, it goes to wealthy democrats smarter than yourself.

>> No.52708961 [View]
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Well, I'd say today marks the end of your little bear market rally. Oh well. Too bad. So sad. I had tried to you warn you.

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