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>> No.28855638 [View]
File: 265 KB, 786x824, 1613382485678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mee mees do sell

>> No.28824620 [View]
File: 265 KB, 786x824, 568132B1-0D4B-452B-9662-E0CFA9A16057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill me a decent defi project and what exchange. Never used 1inch (it's basically uniswap I guess?).
Would prefer not paying double fees (i.e. huge ass coin base pro fees and then uniswap gas fees).

Maybe shill me something already available on binance. This is throw away money. Want something that hasn't exploded much yet, but not a total shitcoin with no actual results (I want a company that has an actual working product, not an "give me some weeks/months").

Also, give me an expected ROI (idk maybe with fibs giving you an idea).
Ya, you know what, shill my the expected price it can jump to with the use of fibs

>> No.28763570 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 265 KB, 786x824, 1610843004362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I an going to kill myself
I made it crypto but my gf left me.
I was abused as a kid by my mother
Now I cant get off without thinking about my mother
My gf left me.
I loved her
I loved her
I am broken
How can I ever be happy
I am goi g to kill myself
Thank you biz
You were the only thing I had close to friends
Im sorry Abby
Im so sorry
U am going to give all my profita to charity
My life was worth something
Im sorry

>> No.26087406 [View]
File: 265 KB, 786x824, 1607344273308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24614828 [View]
File: 265 KB, 786x824, D316338A-F4FC-4AE1-9536-A14C385256DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I live in shitmerica and school is overpriced by 100x. Anyways, dropped out my senior year and I owe 7.5k. Any way to pay less or straight up get rid of it?
Would have been better off throwing that into bitcoin, not this dumbass overpriced school system.

I assume not since this country doesn't try to help its citizens and instead we are basically cattle made to be bled dry while others sit on their asses jerking off and making passive income out of you actually being a producer instead of some dumbass leech. Stupid ass mafia government.

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