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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59598385 [View]
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>> No.59591930 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1735510697593094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You faggots are so goddamn spiteful. Be happy for them and their future children.

>> No.59561264 [View]
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>> No.59556793 [View]
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won't this be another "project" like GOTH and /biz/coin? get the fuck out of here, nigger.

>> No.59553987 [View]
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>was eyeballing the stock at $90 a pop in '19 thinking maybe I should buy, the RTX series looks to be huge and I'm team green
>nah let's chase crypto shitcoins instead
>my crypto has yielded me -60% since while NVDA did a 15x

I hate myself but most importantly I hate this fucking website and this fleecing fucking board for having me invest into absolute fucking dogshit instead of a steady tech stock.
I may forgive myself down the line but I'll never forgive this fucking hellhole of a page

>> No.59523999 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny Janny you ban me for racism on fucking 4chan for saying shitskin but won't clean this pedo incest shit up?

>> No.59515068 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, pp29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win the elections because they catered for the crypto crowd
>do not deliver to guarantee you don't win when you send JD vance in 4 years

>> No.59510836 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, fca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite
>switch SWE jobs 3 years ago
>I actually enjoy the new place and the colleagues
>make an effort and put my soul into the work I'm responsible for
>no vacations taken, only at EOY when things are halted anyway
>regularly do UNPAID OT to make sure everything is set up correctly, service and processes and running without hiccups
>go beyond expectations every year

And what the fuck do I get in return you slimey fucking shiteating FUCK HUH??? WHAT YOU VILE MUCUS PUKING FAT FAGGOT GRINCH
>no promotion
>bonus payout is taken away because teehee le market conditions are bad sorry we can't afford it anymore
>I do 3 times the work now I did when I joined
>I had a 8% raise combined since I joined
>my team has been downsized and outsourced to fucking chimps who fuck up every single process and I have to clean their shit up

Go on. Hire the jeets you bald suit fuck, let's see if you get a year maybe to pump out all the money you can until all the shit collapses above your head COME ON DO IT YOU FUCKING FAGGOT HIRE THE JEETS PAY THEM PEANUTS FOR THEIR SKILLED WORK WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR??????

>> No.59229653 [View]
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grifter thread i could easilly kill you rug faggots

>> No.58856115 [View]
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Just 13 more years bros
Diamond hands

>> No.58516024 [View]
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shut the fuck up kike the world is fucking sick of (((You))), it's unimaginable how much power your satanic tribe had over humanity after WW2 yet you couldn't help yourselves with you degeneracies and had to push things to the limit

>> No.58488169 [View]
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>I started with 200k inheritance *tee-hee*

>> No.58425256 [View]
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>being a commutecuck is better than making money from the comfort of your home

>> No.58404028 [View]
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>He pays to post on 4channel.org

>> No.58181818 [View]
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>> No.58063149 [View]
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>> No.57998034 [View]
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>same returns
>only if you start from the 2000s

>> No.57910545 [View]
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Fucking hell I'm trying to buy avi and it's such a pain in the ass. I don't want to get coinbase because they do acts of jewry sometimes

>> No.57733107 [View]
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>> No.57730651 [View]
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you are lossing money (inflation)

>> No.57602549 [View]
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>mfw the Rockefellers beheemed my NatGas bags

>> No.57525847 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, pepekillsyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VLC plays literally EVERYTHING perfectly

>b.b.but muh animu subtitles!
hahahahaahahhahhah KEK unironically kys you stupid tranime nigger

>> No.57522289 [View]
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Non-fren detected.

>> No.57302232 [View]
File: 62 KB, 738x703, 1693422195514349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you desperate faggots stop fucking it up for us?

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