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>> No.30441542 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, greenbackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /pmg/ I've got $400 to blow on a decent Canadian mining stock (besides Bayhorse or Dolly Varden already got those). Gonna go with the best recommendation or trips.

>> No.30143327 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, 65E9517E-4AD8-4212-979E-927D50CCD624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and human-zoo pilled.

Any advice on how to do this? About to go make my gains comfy after the market tanks. Fuck mumus, I’m with bobo. Now excuse me while I turn millions of NPCs starving in the streets into dollar signs. Peasants deserve everything they get for making another bubble.

>> No.30083637 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, 59A6288E-21B2-4A5E-8D06-F2659A02FA83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it looks like they already have things under control by now. Congrats globohomo! You staved off economic collapse by a single year! Now when a real crash starts, it’s going to be even fucking worse. You should have just let the market die in 2008, but you were too greedy, weren’t you?

>inb4 muh reset
Assuming you’re delusional enough to actually think this will work, all you do is dig yourself into a hole you will NEVER be able to escape from. Think about it: everyone is tied to your economy as the source of everything. If this thing tanks just once, no one but you and preppers will get out unscathed. The plebians would starve within days. But guess what? You owned everything that tanked. The only ones with power in this situation that the public doesn’t already hate will be the preppers, and you can they won’t believe the media when they try to scapegoat. They will go for the throat.

>> No.30082562 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, 55518D9C-5493-4CC5-BCEE-7D8EE2A24F73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me while I self-bump this bread, so that eventually wagmi.

>> No.30052013 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, Greenbackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Andrew Maguire: Fights the banks, exposes predatory manipulation on the COMEX, nearly gets assassinated in a car crash

Cryptocuck: Buys a ponzi scheme and hopes that the number keeps going up

>> No.30046394 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, Greenbackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



"Hyperinflation is the condition whereby monetary authorities accelerate the expansion of the quantity of money to the point where it proves impossible for them to regain control.

It ends when the state’s fiat currency is finally worthless. It is an evolving crisis, not just a climactic event."

>> No.29872433 [View]
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>they created a system of money based on labor, to my knowledge. and printed a lot of money initially as investment in Germany.

Yes, and it failed, and it always has failed. It's called Greenbacker-ism. It was tried in America from 1861-1865 and led to 75% consumer-price inflation. The meme about "Prosperty" vs "Ruin" derives from that time. It's also the ideology which is advocated for by people like Ellen Brown, Stephen Goodson, and in documentaries like The Money Masters and Web of Debt. Hitler was in the same state as 1860s America because of his rampant inflation, which is why he was forced to start a war with his neighbours to ransack their wealth.


>you implied it.

No, I didn't. Quote me. I said that "We know of innumerable Africans and Asians who served in high positions of power in the time of the Five Good Emperors." There is no implication there that every African is a black negro. Memnon is only one of dozens of examples I could show you of negroes if your obsession is for me to provide you with negroes, it is well-known that there were many blacks in ancient Rome. Even the white supremacist Arthur Kemp admits this and uses it as his thesis for why Rome fell so I don't know why you're denying it.

>it wasn't just physical differences but also behavior and character of races/ethnic groups

Not in and of itself, nobody thought that if you were a black Roman you were innately predisposed to be either more foolish or more intelligent than anybody else. They observed differences in existing cultures, yes, including white cultures like e. g. the Thracians.

>yeah you're a universalist (((christian))) aren't you

I do not subscribe to a religion, no.

>> No.23175700 [View]
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I'm not an ancap, so don't have any problem with government spending on infrastructure which is actually useful, especially when it is kept in check by a gold standard. But Alexander Hamilton believed in protectionist tariffs, high taxation, public debt, and other things which I don't like. I also don't like central banks, and see them as unnecessary. On the other hand, in some ways, Alexander Hamilton is unjustly abused on the internet, because of Greenbackers. He wanted a central bank partly because he wanted to put the U. S. on a gold standard, in other words on a system of sound money. People started to hate central banks because of the Ron Paul Revolution in 2008; and the Greenbackers, attaching themselves to that movement, implied that gold was a part of Hamilton's evil scheme, and that it would be better to go back to a system of Colonial Scrip. They deluded and misled the Ron Paul supporters by doing this; because the Ron Paul was against the Fed because he wanted a return to gold, whereas the Greenbackers want to abolish the Fed simply in order to have Congress print paper money directly, and employ MMT. This would be 100x worse than Hamilton's gold-backed central bank.

In regard to Greenbackers, see https://www.garynorth.com/public/department141.cfm

>> No.23170874 [View]
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It's standard Greenbacker trash. Written by a fanatic anti-semite who thinks that Hitler was a genius, and that all you need is socialism and MMT to create a utopia. It's exactly the same as The Money Masters and Ellen Brown's Web of Debt. Posted Gary North's refutations of this kind of stuff a few days ago. The Greenbackers got a brief vogue on the internet during the Ron Paul era, by parasitically attaching themselves to the anti-Fed movement. But they don't believe in the gold standard. Their idea is that you can print infinite money and pay for all the social programs you like, so long as Congress does it directly. This is a quotation from the book: "The gold standard wrought havoc on the American economy and enabled private bankers to withhold loans and restrict the money supply at will."

Gary North talks about Ellen Brown here, but it applies just as well:


"Ellen Brown is devoting her life to a cause. She wants Congress to take over the printing presses and provide 100% of America's money: fiat money, with no gold or silver backing.

She says that if we allow this, Congress can then:

1. Get rid of the income tax
2. Pay off the national debt
3. Pay off Social Security
4. Without any price inflation

Her 2007 book, The Web of Debt, became a bestseller within the Patriot movement. This indicates the extraordinary intellectual vulnerability of the Patriot movement. Its members cannot distinguish conservatism from radical leftism. This book promotes the following:

The Populist economics of America's far Left
A vast expansion of Federal government welfare
Pure fiat money: printing press money
Total Federal government control over money: "Obama dollars"
Legal tender laws that force people to accept Obama dollars
The American Civil War as a great engine of economic growth
Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal as a great economic program
The gold coin standard as a terrible evil that restrains the state


>> No.23153760 [View]
File: 375 KB, 1770x1364, gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Greenbacks worked insanely well

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