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>> No.51251438 [View]
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kek, I know. I have this thing where I, deep in the evening, autistically ramble to myself or write barely comprehensible scribbles about crypto and financial markets.
>The fact we've moved to the top 20 being all eth L1 clones shows we are slowly transitioning into the blockchain economy we all foresaw years ago. It's just slow and boring there is no "switch flip" moment.
Very true. pic rel is a similar thing I thought in january.

Translation :
>eth is the BTC of 2017
>topped out nov 10th
>alts either topped out with eth or rallied up in the following 3-4weeks
>Alts in this case meaning those that try to be like eth, just like how in 2017 things like BCH went up with similar ones. To add to this was the lack of alts in 2017 which led to a speculation pump of all alts after BTC topped out.
>This run we have 14k alts and narratives change alot with tw*tter fags and r*dditors thinking they can beat the market by frontrunning alts before BTC.
>Narratives being L1, shitcoin farms, game ponzis. other alts performed on their own or just followed the general market meaning BTC andothers outside of the narrative.
>Prime example being LINK (oracles) and coins that are trying to be like BTC
>from this we can come to the conclusion that we topped out and the merge into PoS is a nothingburger and will end the L1 speculation. >Keep a look at incentives of L1's. When they run out it's over. Short polygon, L1's that start topping out or get near ATH in the next dead cat bounce.
This text made me alot of money this year

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