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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.52393132 [View]
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I don't think anybody is still watching this guy...are they?

>> No.9594772 [View]
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Are you fucking retarded the dotcom bubble crashed in 4 years. It crashed first in 1997 and then the big one in 99.

>> No.4057278 [View]
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>35 sats bottom
>32 sats bottom
>28 sats bottom
>25 sats bottom
>22 sats bottom
>18 sats bottom

now buy, much gains, such wow

>> No.3569259 [View]
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shorting the shit out of cryptos?

>> No.3492557 [View]
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OP is right, this rise was the correction from the 4,4k to 3k drop faggots. it's still going down, and GS is right 80%

>> No.3480823 [View]
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>bitcoiners right now

>> No.1741468 [View]
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Supposedly there are coal barons in China that have more money than Bill Gates and alot of that money is unaccounted for.

>> No.1573141 [View]
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I lived with a compulsive hoarder who cared more about hoardings than family. I try not to own too much. I'm aware of my past, and as I move forward I keep it in the back of my mind. I don't let it get to me though. I'm doing pretty well for someone my age.

>> No.1503366 [View]
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The deal probably won't go through because Tesla investors don't want it. Tesla already has 'revenue problems' Solar City is another one of Musk's failing ventures. I see what he's trying to do. he's trying to consolidate all of his debt into Tesla so he can hope to save the other ventures like Space-X and Solar City which still have a hope of survival. Tesla investors just won't go for it though. At 240 a share that would tank Tesla to a possibly unrecoverable level.

>> No.1478974 [View]
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Industrial level 3-D printing is a joke, simply because of metallurgy and what it requires to make things out of metal. There are impurities and qualities that have to be taken into consideration that cannot be perfected by a 3D printer. So long as metal cannot be 3D printed then this thing is just bullshit hype.

>> No.1311299 [View]
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Just tell them you're broke or move to a different city. These aren't hard decisions. They won't be able to follow you anyway. Float them 100 bucks every now and then for holidays or whatever, but you don't have to baby them if you can't afford to.

>> No.1290355 [View]
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You could charge for admission, call it 'the Compton experience.' Have a bunch of blacks in the middle of the room that gather around people and yell at them while trying to steal their wallets.

>> No.1280311 [View]
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I think it will end up being an augment rather than a mainstay. I think it will augment certain systems that could benefit for a virtual interface. They would need to increase the resolution and it could theoretically do away with monitors for desktops. The other thing it would be good for is flight sims where you could have a 3-D virtual cockpit which would be neat. Anything that requires movement though is going to be a hard sell, especially with limited work-space that can't be devoted to virtual applications.

>> No.1280233 [View]
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If they don't go bust first. Chesapeake looks like it's on the verge of bankruptcy. They're trying to scale back operations and they've hired a bankruptcy consultation firm to help manage their affairs. Range Resources is also tanking. Alot of these companies are now so loaded with debt that no lender will take them on and their creditors are reluctant to make any more deals with them.

>> No.1259997 [View]
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How load bearing is that slide? That seems like alot of weight to put on it.

>> No.1252185 [View]
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But how is that any different than Tesla? They claim to be able to outcompete Ford, Toyota, and Nissan in the realm of electric cars, yet Nissan, Toyota and Ford all outsell in the area where they claim supremacy. They only sold 11,580 cars in the year 2015. That's nothing. The Prius’s 207,372 units sold represents a 11.5% decrease from 2013. They're scaling back electric operations because of it. How are they going to create a consumer market to rival ford if they can't even dominate their own dwindling market? Is there even more than 200 dollars per share of value in the entire electric car industry moreless tesla? Or is it just a hype train? With oil being down it seems the electric car industry may have to wait a while longer, and the question is will Tesla survive that or will competitors continue to outshine while Tesla offers only promises.


>> No.1223282 [View]
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I want to be a head honcho. I wonder what I'd if they all did just what I said. I'd shout out an order, "I think we're out of this, man, get me some. Boy! Don't make me wanna change my tone...Maaaahh tone."

>> No.1218443 [View]
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I have old school pandas. Those things are awesome. They have a panda on them.

>> No.1203597 [View]
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I would say the Real-Estate meme. Don't start flipping houses until you own one that is paid off. It's a great way to lose your shorts in a market downturn. Real-Estate is back above pre-bubble prices in most bubbly areas and I would venture a cautious glance that another real-estate pop is on it's way.

>> No.1183062 [View]
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I would start my own company. There is certainly a market for what I do that's for sure. 500k is entirely possible to make and pay off.

>> No.1164987 [View]
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Your interests will change over time. You will start to find out what truly motivates you and it won't be vidya. It never is vidya.

>> No.1148838 [View]
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They systematically screwed over their creditors until no one would lend to them. When they ended up in a currency crisis no one wanted to lend to them. The only ones who would even consider it were US institutional investors brokered by Goldman Sachs. They said, "We'll give you the money if you agree to pay the interest at 21 percent annual, and you also agree to litigate in US courts." The Argentinians said, "Hells yeah!" and took the money. They tried to tell their American credits to go fuck themselves when it came time to pay the money back, like they had done with al of their other creditors. This time because of the litigation clauses they had to convince a NY circuit judge that they shouldn't have to repay the money. The judge basically threw the book at the Argentinian government citing the original agreement and the Argentinians cried usury. Personally, I would've sided with the European creditors to begin with and let Argentina collapse, but the US wanted to forgive them and tread into dangerous credit waters. the TL;DR of the situation is that it was Argentina's fault, and if they had managed their spending this would've been so much easier on them, but they couldn't so now they're fucked.

>> No.1138216 [View]
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My father a Jew so I know I won't be getting any kind of an inheritance. I'm also self-made though, so I'll be alright anyway.

>> No.1032806 [View]
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But you can't walk away from a mortgage. if you miss a payment you have to sell.

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