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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.55181743 [View]
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Sigh. Been looking at my quicken spending tracker to see where/how much green I could claw back from spending each month. So I can in turn use that money to bag my VZ shares even quicker. Most of the freed money would come from the fast food category to be honest. Last 30 days almost 300 was blown on that alone. So if I could free up 150 of that that'd give me 1800 a year just by cutting down the fast food.

>> No.55176715 [View]
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2024 will be the year of VZ share bagging. Once I get my debt stabilized (not going higher) and see just what I've got to work with far as income goes (July 29 is when I get my fatter salary) I'll be much better off to bag VZ in 2024. I made a note of how much VZ I had before I sold most of it. Getting back every one of those shares will be the thing and doing it quickly (I'll be 41 in 2024). Now if life will give me a fucking break and let me bag with glee..

>> No.55168805 [View]
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Another day. Another day of napping. Another day of uh homeless bums getting rousted out of my workplace's parking garage. (Kek, sometimes if you come in early enough you'll even hear some drunk dude singing at the top of it). Only thing I did today aside from napping was I bagged 70 more KO shares.

>> No.55162044 [View]
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Well they passed the debt bill. So crisis adverted. (Fucking joke anyway). Least till 2025. Then this shat happens all over again. Dunno what I'll do now that Rarbg's gone. Could find "whatever" very easy on it.

>> No.55157565 [View]
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Another day. VZ declared its upcoming div of 0.6525 cents a share. Got free lunch at work. (uh some conference was going on; I kinda made like I was one of the people invited and grabbed and ran with it). Bored during the afternoon so read hentai on my phone. Hard to do but hey I made it work. Like a 4 chapter saga. Gist; Dude's banging this idol girl. The girl's rival decides to drug and record herself fucking the dude once he's awake. Then once the girl confronts the idol with this info things turn sideways; instead of being angry the idol girl and the dude drug the rival and make her watch as they fuck in front of her. They only release her if she agrees to join them in an orgy. They both share the lucky bastard from then on.

>> No.55145822 [View]
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Sigh another day. The good; July 29th my 6% salary hike is effective. 401k and pension contributions hiked. Emergency Fund contributions hiked. The bad; $3,750 credit card debt, $6,900 personal loan debt. The ugly; $2400 in "shat happens" things happening the 2nd half this year. But oh well; hey least I've got my Wife and hentai to calm and relax me.

>> No.55134625 [View]
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Another day. Did nothing for most of the morning (checked/responded to e-mails), went to hardees for lunch, bagged more VZ stock. Took nap during the afternoon. Home at little after 4:30. (Uh does it even count as "Work" if I do very little for 8hrs a day?. Cause that's what they pay me for, 8hrs

>> No.55121427 [View]
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Another relaxing day. Slept in, drank some coffee, and now doing nothing. Me and the Wife were gonna go to the park yesterday and walk the trails but the rain axed that plan. Today's a toss up on what we're gonna do.

>> No.55113898 [View]
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Me likes!

>> No.55106255 [View]
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Relaxing day. Me and Wife been out and about. Didn't overspend at the KR and didn't blow a lot getting what we needed at WMT. I bought me a new shirt and a pair of jeans on a whim. MCD's breakfast wasn't screwed up either.

>> No.55099931 [View]
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Another week is done. Now for 3 day break. Got paid early. I dunno why but my bank deposits my salary 2 days sooner. Hey works for me. I sated my bagging urge and bought more VZ today. Ate a hardees burger for lunch and took a walk afterward. Didn't do nothing all afternoon.

>> No.55089536 [View]
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Another day. Walked during lunch. Sipped on a cherry coke during the afternoon. Took a big dump in the restroom (What? Hey when you gotta go you gotta go. Sides better to use that toilet paper there that don't cost me nothing). Honestly I think god everyday that I got fired from my old private sector job back in 2005. Hell if I'd made a career out of that job I'd have to work till I was 65 and only have 1 million to show for it. Plus work harder to boot.

>> No.55078345 [View]
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Another day. Only thing I did was finish that book I've been reading (came out Tuesday; a Tom Clancy novel). Did I pay for it? Hell no. I don't pay for streaming services either.

>> No.55071302 [View]
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Just 7 days (actually less due to the holiday and weekends) till Govt debt ceiling is hit and it all comes tumbling down unless a deal is done. Cheap shares for the bagging as June 1 looms closer. Oh god please let them bicker right up to the edge. I want those shares cheap cheap cheap.

>> No.55066481 [View]
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Another day. Didn't really do anything. Took a walk during lunch. Read on a book during the afternoon. Talked the Wife into getting Tacobell for dinner. (I've got just $1.00 in my checking account; Wife's account though is another story.). Kek back when I started my first steady job in the private sector (aka retirement plan,etc) the dude in HR who set all that up told me "when you retire you'll have 1 million" Course this was back in 2003. 20 years later I'm on track to do way better than 1 million when the time comes.

>> No.55055030 [View]
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Today was a mixed bag affair. On the one hand I woke up to feel a pair of bare tits pressed against my back (which in turn uh woke up another part of me that uh luckily my Wife was in the mood to take care of). Bagged more VZ and took my checking account balance right to the edge (1.00 left) which made me have flashbacks to when I was a 20 something almost broke fuck and shat was much cheaper. On the other I found out that a member of my family had to be rushed to the hospital late sunday night/early monday morning due to heart related shat. Which thankfully all seems to be fine now. Still had to put in some stints though. Should be released Thursday, maybe sooner if all goes good.

>> No.55049292 [View]
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Another work week starts. Oh well. One week closer to retirement. Another week closer to my pending July salary hike. Got my latest credit card statement in the mail over the weekend. $3,300 balance. They want me to pay just $100. Am I worried? Fuck no. I was planing to toss $200 at it anyway. The urge to bag more VZ grows stronger though. I've got odd number of shares. 4 more would give me an even number. Could let drip do the work but what fun would that be?

>> No.55039939 [View]
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Kek next salary hike is round the bend; July 28th is when it shows up. Pension - Jacked 5%, 401k contributions - Jacked 5%, Emergency Fund - Jacked 5%. Remainder is just there for whatever. If I'm reading the hints and whatnot right I think I'll be getting another fat salary hike in 2024 to. (State income tax rate falls again in 2024 so that'll make my salary go up a bit more to)

>> No.55034800 [View]
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Me and the Wife just got back from WMT. While we were out we got something from MCD's. Fucking hell. All told we spend enough that I could've bagged 4 more VZ on monday instead.

>> No.55031309 [View]
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Just sipping my coffee listening to the rain as it hits the roof on this relaxing saturday. Doing nothing but reading a bit. What happens when a smart hot school girl who's in science class sets her sights on the teacher for uh sex experimentation? Well first she drugs his tea so he can't move. (but for some reason his cock still works fine) Secondly the drug also gives him a "super cock". So she has her way with him for a long time draining him dry.

>> No.55026755 [View]
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Anther work week is done. Didn't buy anything, didn't sell anything. Honestly the most work I've done today was after I got home I backed up my server. (which was a simple matter of booting the backup server and then running a few rsync tasks). This is finance related; just imagine the time/money to restore over 22TB of data from scratch (even if I could) if I didn't have the backup.

>> No.55015543 [View]
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Another day. Bagged more VZ, rebought my PARAA today. Read another hentai doujin kinda late last night. The skinny; Dude wants to impress his girlfriend so he takes erection pills. All well and good till he faints. Girl takes care of him and while he's asleep the pills uh work. Gets "super cock" Girl pulls down his pants and decides to sample it. Dude's still asleep but not for long once she starts working on it. He wakes up and they end up fucking all night long. Run outta condoms, she doesn't care and fucks him bareback. Morning comes. Dude's huddled in a corner trying to keep his very sore cock away from his girlfriend. He finally tells her what he did to get it. She is now hooked and it's implied that she wants him to keep taking the pills.

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