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>> No.51689963 [View]
File: 121 KB, 1888x1416, 02.28.16_How-Long-Jesus-Cross-56d36a1d3df78cfb37d318a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What i do not get is people being 100% ok with getting 100k-500k for a loan, for a bigger house. Or shitloads of money for a fancy car. You tell that to your friends, people will think at worst that you try to showoff, but most probably would just think that you are living life, neither more nor less.

You bring $100k loan for investment, at last final stages of clowntier capitalism where genuine class-journeys can happen, before we all get forcefed basedslop. Not for trivial spending, showoff, nothing that depreciates per definition, but something that can generate positive cash, and people will think you are an absolute degenerate. I dont get it. In my town, people get loans to drive cars for $100k. One or two years later, same cars are $50k, etc. They do this for status. Why isnt it better to take $100k for invest, to finally get some freedom. Unless you buy the illest shitcoins, your worstcase is the same as the ones who bought Mercedes, you tank 50% in two years. Difference is; you have potential huge upside, and even if you do tank 50% in two years, there is chance that your instrument goes back up. An old Mercedes only goes one way.

Look, people wanna play tricks on you in this market. Bankers wanna shill you loans to get you in perpetual debt, and no one thinks this is unjust. You can take this money and use as leverage for rare chances of freedom. This is what i did. Ver not required. Be careful.

>> No.50982271 [View]
File: 121 KB, 1888x1416, 02.28.16_How-Long-Jesus-Cross-56d36a1d3df78cfb37d318a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor here. Was going to DRS my GME stack, just got access to CS account. Problem for me, i have special fgt account type and needed to sell all my GMEs to rebuy them on another account type on same broker. Selling international stocks requires them to recount for currency changes, so after having sold my GMEs, i would have to wait from market close to following market open.

Imagine being without GMEs for one day in this volatility, but i had to, to DRS. I prayed to God. I dont want to be stuck in IOU hell, i want to DRS, but please, show me when. Yesterday night, i prayed, got no answer, so i held. Today i sold at $38. I will be able to rebuy tomorrow, to DRS 100% of my shit, and i just prayed, please Jesus, dont let me miss out on Moass, I will use the money for a house for my family and sickeningly beautiful church windows.

MFW major BBBY drama and a -10% GME dip. If this persists, i just got 500+ shares of GME in one night for free, just for trying to DRS.

I have felt this many times before. Sorry for sounding schizo, but its real. God took me into CRSR for 100% returns. Then one crazy night, from nowhere, he got me into GME. Its been a wild ride, Holy Spirit Investing.

But one needs to stay away from sin, to seek to purify ones intent, to do good and swear to God not to use the money for flagrant materialism, but to promote Christian faith, family life, and such. Turn to Christ, he can help you.

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