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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.58142488 [View]
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This is called "projection". You are poop brained and literally vote with niggers and women, the peak of servile mountain. You make the trade for security over freedom and get neither, just poverty and socialism.

>> No.57138952 [View]
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>implying Demorats don't rely on a mountain of poor welfare cattle voters to turn out every cycle and complain about bare minimum things like voter ID

>> No.51414242 [View]
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>it's another Leftshit Dunning Kruger Retard pretends his party composed of stupid as all fuck, women, nigs, and welfare queens is ackshually correct episode

>> No.50738334 [View]
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brackets in red: the rich
bracket in blue: the middle class

>> No.29498305 [View]
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go ahead and hold your hat out, faggot

>> No.29388408 [View]
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It's dumb for more reasons than that. For starters, America's biggest corporations are based "in blue states" because that's where the biggest cities are, and they pay a lot of corporate taxes that skew it that way, despite being global. The bug people who crowd around cities with their buckets out aren't part of the havers who are paying the big taxes.

>> No.26313624 [View]
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Nah, poor shits just cluster around high productivity urban zones/downtowns

>> No.25850344 [View]
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>> No.25564300 [View]
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quiet, scum

>> No.23804874 [View]
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Uh oh anon... this the hill you're ready to die on?

>> No.23803295 [View]
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You're out of your element chimp

>> No.23690226 [View]
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>poor city people and their rich Jewish masters voted for Hillary!

>> No.23200730 [View]
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>literally women, nigs, brown people, the poor, and mentally ill self hating whites
>logical people

>> No.23083634 [View]
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It's clearly not good for business

>> No.23081864 [View]
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Oh sure anon, rouse up your army of women, niggers, single moms, fags, and inner city kikes. The ones that think owning a gun causes cancer. Surely they'll defeat the nation's force of gun owning white men who come from stock that conquered the planet easily.

>> No.23080078 [View]
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Because they aren't typically the types that can actually administer such a system, much less contribute to it. Even "smart socialists" are mostly just mentally ill poorfags.

>> No.22512382 [View]
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Reminder not to speak to Demniggers. They don't want to build or create anything, just take.

>> No.19910588 [View]
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>he goes on /biz/
>he votes for riot-supporting whackjobs and not the literal businessman President

Riots, looting, reparations, higher taxes, these things aren't good for business

>> No.18523679 [View]
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Nice try fuck nugget

>> No.16563453 [View]
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News to me, faggot. Is that what Mother Jones has been telling you?

>> No.16432217 [View]
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>Republicans are the biggest commies in the world. Tax breaks are budgetary spending

Based schizo poor nigger leech babbleposting

>> No.16174766 [View]
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>Dems are the REAL friends of business

Yawn. This one again.

>> No.16168221 [View]
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How do you think 2020 is going to affect the markets, /biz/? Will we see increased volatility in an election year?

>> No.12212872 [View]
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>this is all thanks to the 19th amendment

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