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>> No.58118972 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, brainletspam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you change ids and reply to yourself?
were you that ashamed of your retarded lemonade stand analogy, or did you figure that was enough stupidity for one id so you needed to move onto the next and somehow even appear more retarded by doubling down on 'muh advocates?'
jesus christ you are shit at your 'job'
i'd tell you to shoot yourself in the head but it would probably make no noticable difference as you mash airplane mode some more while pumping out garbage invented with the full extent of the only two braincells that god had the grace to give you as one of the dumbest niggers that has ever been on biz

>> No.58115355 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, SubtleFudding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello third-world suicidal porn addict
just laughing at the "check in" thing after obviously making 23pbtids on your phone to try and keep this dumpster fire alive
>w-what about zach though
no one on here cares - crypto twitter fags are parasites that repost shit from here for clout and they should all be murdered and dumped in the same ditch
plus the whataboutism doesn't work, seeing as this is a thread that you made about YOUR twitter account for the millionth time in the last year because you're a lolcow who thinks he can fight biz and has seethed nonstop at this place since being "doxed" because your opsec is terrible and you turned out to be a lower form of life than an internet janny
>e-everyone else is a paid advocate
yeah sorry, the projection doesn't work when biz knows that you and the rest of the discord fud clique will, as per usual, maintain 8 hour shifts to keep 6+ fud threads going in the catalog of a dead business and finance board at all times for an allegedly useless token for no reason at all
fucking morons

>> No.58056047 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, fuddiesalwayslieandproject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh avocados
>its them swarming and spamming biz, not the fudcuck discord sisterhood
>im not here to do damage control
>its just a glitch linkie, even though other historical glitches pointed out in the same thread were retroactively scrubbed soon after as well
sloppy job
as is always expected from low iq fudcucks who have never achieved anything on here

>> No.58023728 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, fuddiesalwayslieandproject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>catalog has similar volume of fud to pic related running at all times
>fudcucks run damage control around it with pilpul tactics like projection and misdirection
i wonder how much pain that adem guy would have to experience before selling out his entire discord clique
not much im guessing

>> No.57970714 [View]
File: 161 KB, 1572x692, SPAAAAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is exactly what fudding should be - subtle and intelligent.

I imagine that if this were kept up for the entirety of this year, a single 50-100 link spot may actually open up in the pool. This would be a significant victory compared to last year, when the pool filled up in under 6 hours.

Bravo - truly tremendous work gentlemen.

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