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>> No.57809519 [View]
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>uhhhh uhhh a token with a fox must be legit

stfu retard, i would prefer to gamble my money on eesee before investing in your shitcoin

>> No.57074306 [View]
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but sir. muh decentralization sir. sir? anonimity, hello?

>> No.56824993 [View]
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Gigachad: L1 Knowledge

>> No.56704675 [View]
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you guys give a lot of shit to chainlink but their advances in what crypto can do is immaculate. so fucking slow it's not worth investing in them but it its impressive stuff when you really look into it for more than 2 seconds.

its funny linkies never really talk about what link researches and does. they probably can't wrap their minds around their own technology. they zone out.

>> No.56235387 [View]
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>Perfectly valid points
>Le copium xD (no real response, no thought behind it)
Not good to marry some garbo ecosystem built on a foundation of soggy trash either bro. Reconsider your positions.

>> No.54695228 [View]
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crypto performs well = defi kino is back on the menu so i'd say get into nilo early and also invest in gamefi platform tokens (APE, SAND, etc)

>> No.54338306 [View]
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that is incorrect

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