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>> No.28990579 [View]
File: 287 KB, 704x904, stonerdegenerate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you smoke or otherwise consume cannabis, you are a filthy degenerate and deserve all the disapproval you get.

>hurr but it's healthy!
>muh 0 deaths
This meme won't die and you're probably a 15 year old if you still believe it.

>Cannabis and the lungs

The claim that smoking cannabis is better for you than smoking tobacco is simply unsubstantiated. Lung cancer typically manifests after age 40, and due to cannabis becoming popular relatively recently, there are fewer regular marijuana smokers than tobacco smokers that have reached that age. (Hippies were a fringe movement, while tobacco was ridiculously widespread until recently.) Of those that have, most also smoked tobacco regularly, which is a confounding variable in any study. We have found, however, that the smoke in a typical joint/blunt/whatever you stoners call them these days contains more tar and far more carcinogens than a similar amount of cigarette smoke. (This is not to say that marijuana is necessarily more carcinogenic. Tobacco contains nicotine, which widens blood vessels and may make it easier for carcinogens to travel through the body.)

So to anyone who says that smoking cannabis is safe, I say only that you're retarded for thinking that, as even though a direct connection to lung disease has yet to be made, all of the prerequisites for it are there.

>hurr but what if I vape? *tips fedora*
You're still an idiot:

>Cannabis and the Heart

The long term physical risks are far less pronounced if you aren't smmoking, that's true, but certainly not trivial. But even that neglects the further neurological dangers:

>Cannabis and Psychosis

Cannabis has been linked to schizophrenia many times, and there may easily be further imbalances created in brain chemistry by protracted use of marijuana.

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