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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.56855966 [View]
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No. I haven't worked full time in 6 years and the idea of going back to work sounds like the most cucked thing imaginable.

>> No.54386432 [View]
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Totally. I think a $500 watch is a great idea. Not my cup of tea, but I understand the appeal. I like to pick up tabs. When I'm out with friends, I usually pay for everyone. The check comes and it's all "one check is fine". I like to treat people. But when you're talking expensive cars and houses, that shit is serious money.

>> No.49673266 [View]
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You're almost there OP. There will always be people richer than you, and will always be people poorer. Realize that spending your limited time trying to climb this ladder is pointless. Get enough and get out.
t. retired landlord NEET

>> No.26208225 [View]
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I find the size of load irrelevant.
Um, yes? I'm free to do what I wish with most of my time, and part of that is saving images that capture parts of my life philosophy, and sharing them with people on mongolian basketweaving forums.
Feminists are retarded. Your example is some stupid bitch making powerpoints for 60k instead of having the husband and kids that she desperately wants. I stopped working because I don't pay for women and kids. They started working because life at home was so hard.

>> No.25696615 [View]
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>I'm going to impress everyone with how rich I look.
>It's gonna take a lifetime of wagecucking to keep up the charade, but it's worth it to be the 12,114,576th richest person instead of the 12,114,577th.
This is why we don't like normies and redditors. You are so consoomed with showing off, you literally think every single thing you own is for that purpose. Your life is a meme:
>Use money I don't have to buy things I don't need to impress people I don't like.
6% of my net worth is in my humble paid off house. <1% in my humble paid off car. I don't work anymore because the other 93% works for me. I didn't do any of that to impress anyone. I did it because every job I ever had sucked fucking balls and slaving away to compete in the "who is the richest" contest is normie retardation.

>> No.24595726 [View]
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Yes, I do worry about a crash wiping me out. I'm invested about like this:
>30% real estate w/mortgages yielding meager cash flow
>30% BTC
>10% paid off home I live in
>30% cash from my most recent real estate sales, slowing DCA'ing into dividend yielding stocks
So everything would have to crash to fuck me over, in which case I'll still have a lot of cash for DCA into assets with yield. If shit continues to go up, I'll reallocate BTC gains into stocks for more passive income. If there is massive inflation, my mortgages will become trivial and my effective income will go up that way. I feel pretty well prepared, outside of some major, bankrupting illness.
On the job subject, I've pretty much given up going back to my career. I was a CPA and I hated it. I think if things go so wrong that I need to get a job, I will know far in advance and should be able to get by with some part-time, easy job, like a cashier or something. I could also do some bookkeeping or taxes but, like I said, I really don't want to be an accountant anymore.

>> No.23938784 [View]
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It ruins your goy score though so you also have to be prepared for that. I essentially traded my goy score for 35k, which is worth it to me, since I don't want to borrow anymore, but if you still need to buy a house or get a job, it could fuck you.

>> No.23600214 [View]
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>Oh, so it's free to fly/drive to see my family? It's free to take time off work? It's free to pay for various travel expenses, food, lodging, etc while I'm visiting with my family? Not all of us still live at home with mommy and daddy. Some of us have to travel to visit with loved ones.
You moved away from your loved ones then cry about how hard it is to see them? That has nothing to do with retirement.
>Being a cheap bastard and making the girl pay for half the McDonalds dinner you took to her to isn't great either. Especially if that girl could have been the right one. If you think women are going to like you for being a cheap loser who wants to stay inside all the time you've got a painful lesson coming your way.
Another strawman. No one suggests even taking a girl to mcdonalds, just that taking her to Capital Grille on the first date so she will come on a second is a loser move.
>Not an option for the majority of people so kys.
Yeah, no shit, because most people think like you and can't control the money that flies out of their wallet at every opportunity.
>You're projecting here and I must have hit the nail on the head. Maybe you should try going outside for once instead of staring at charts and memes all day.
I don't get paychecks anymore, I get rent and dividends.I never made more than $130k in a year and retired in my late 30s. I lived like a guy who made $50k. It's not hard.
> Again, retiring early isn't an option for most people and not everyone has the intellect to work themselves out of a bad financial upbringing.
All this talk about most people. No shit most people will cuck for Shekelburg their whole lives. I assume that if you are here, reading this board, then you don't want to be like most people. If that is what you want, then go tell your normie friends how early retirement is a meme. I'm sure they'll all pat you on the back during break time. I'm here to tell people it IS possible. You just have to save and stop wanting so much shit

>> No.22257728 [View]
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I already own two houses In the city and a shitty trailer in the middle of nowhere. I live in the trailer.

>> No.19809811 [View]
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Damn, she's hitting the wall hard. Hope she loses her primary next week.
IRS audits less than 2% of returns and most of those are just a letter about one item on your tax return they think is wrong. Never omit something from your return that someone else has reported (W-2, 1099, etc). Regarding "nigger behavior", stealing from your neighbors is different than stealing from corporations which is different from steal from the government. It is wrong to steal from the corrupt? Well if your intent is just to steal, maybe, but if it is to stymie a corrupt system that takes money from you at gunpoint, gives it to Ukraine, who then gives it to the family of the politicians who are holding you at gunpoint, it could be argued that the moral choice is to steal. Not that I would make that argument. I think stealing is always wrong. Hear that glowniggers? Always wrong.

>> No.19514513 [View]
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Work your way out of slavery if you can, it's what I did. Try and remember that once you don't work anymore, you can move someplace REALLY cheap, and don't need nearly as much money. If you want to wait until you can have a paid off house in the big city (with red brick and hoppy IPAs) and 80k passive income, it's just a pipe dream. If you can accept a paid off house in the sticks and 25k of passive income, the average person, with discipline, could make that happen while they are still young enough to live.

>> No.19466148 [View]
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Thanks Mr. Shekelberg, I think I understand.
>Some businesses have a lot of employees and are owned by campaign contributors.
>If the company suddenly faces risk, we just bail those companies out. Otherwise, people might get fired.
>Management realizes that if they would go under, the government will save them. The rational thing to do is borrow as much as they can, and buy back the company stock to increase EPS and executive comp.
>Bailout comes and no one gets fired....
>...except for the people who worked at the competitor of the bailed out corp, who are now competing against a company with unlimited money to paper over any mistakes.
>ooops, the rich get richer and the workers get fired. same as it ever was.

>> No.15136938 [View]
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Everyone around you is succeeding.
Everyone around me works a job they hate to pay for other people's shit.

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