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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57921119 [View]
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Every time I try to make a smart financial decision it ends up badly and I feel like a retard. Can anyone relate or is it just me

>> No.57547635 [View]
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What does it mean when LINK is always the first to pump and first to dump?

>> No.57434023 [View]
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I am totally not going to make it
t.34 year old poor retard

>> No.57425165 [View]
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>> No.56117360 [View]
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You don't get a house, sorry.

>> No.55860840 [View]
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i dont care
hbar sucks

>> No.55608956 [View]
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please no

>> No.55584999 [View]
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god I love being a frogposter

>> No.55330846 [View]
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umm, frogs?

>> No.54942900 [View]
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no shit retard
I'm saying that if they did some extremely basic research it shouldn't have been on the nice list in the first place

>> No.54262647 [View]
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the future of my family is riding on me getting a higher paying job. I'm interviewing at one company that has the potential to completely change everything for me but if I don't get it I don't know how to cope. I babbled like a retard in the first interview and the next one is a technical interview. Any tips for remaining calm, cool, and collected while interviewing? I always sperg out and forget how to talk and everything I know

>> No.53149830 [View]
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>practice wife has gained nearly 100 lbs since giving birth to our beautiful practice son

>> No.50759677 [View]
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I held rose from 6 figures to being broke and having to find employment again

>> No.50717838 [View]
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Question: can anyone answer this for me.

Why the FUCK is Bitcoin and Eth hovering around 50% of ATH and LINK is like 12%?! Shouldn't it be like $25 right now.

>> No.50607745 [View]
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Hmm... what happened last time Germany became insolvent?

>> No.50346213 [View]
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what a retarded "argument"

>> No.50247228 [View]
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The current job market is a joke, and yes, this has been said in thousands of different ways countless times before, but I'm fed up with shucking and jiving through the system and being a good little corporate doggie. Companies expect you to be a soulless automaton, a unit that produces replaceable outputs as an input to a greater function of production. You are expected to be loyal, to constantly grovel and compete, not in order to climb the career ladder, but to maintain your position on your current rung. Like a mass of drowning people all wagies push each other down in hopes of getting a few more gasps of air. Those at the bottom of the ladder, or those who have not even ascended to the first rung are perpetually stuck in a position of lower-caste servitude, the Walmart wagies, gamestop employees, etc. No matter how hard you try, no matter how good you get at a skill there is no opportunity for ascension. You are stuck where you are unless you're sucking dick for scraps or have a friend with a rich dad who can "generously" allow you to move up one notch. You can learn to code, you can learn to weld, do any sort of trade, but the barrier to entry is still there. You still need to be a good little doggie and know the right people or else your skills are squandered and you're working at Target until you kill yourself at 40.

>> No.50088886 [View]
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1639148817757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to find tasty burgers here in Australia. Australians fucking suck at making burgers

>> No.49764149 [View]
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I have a minor anal fissure

>> No.49628366 [View]
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hbar was always a retarded meme
it was garbage even if the bullrun never ended

>> No.49295369 [View]
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>it's that meme which I literally do not understand

>> No.30246672 [View]
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im financially ruined

>> No.30024203 [View]
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okay i will hold, i feel my hands hardening again. thanks bros i was just trippin for a minute

>> No.29576777 [View]
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i got fuckin scammed by rubic. am i retarded?

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