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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.14955059 [View]
File: 364 KB, 1280x1280, MBP-15R-MAV-2__34004__64163.1532960760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 2 cents:

>>based Unix however
>>need to know shell scripting in order to use since GUI is shit in about every distro
>>spend more time circumventing compatibility issues with external files than getting work done

>>OS of most normie wagecuck companies
>>NSA faggotry
>>shit GUI 10x worse than any -nix distro, redundant hidden config panels, feels like every release is just new buggy pajeet code piled on top of the old shit (it is)

Mac OS X
>>Easy to use, relatively stable and intuitive GUI once you learn its quirks, however
>>Every release is more bloated and normie-catered than the last
>>Grandma doesn't know how a harddrive works so therefore we should obfuscate the notion of directory structures and other basic pillars of a good GUI for everyone
>>cum-guzzling Tim Cook is a cum-guzzling faggot

Everything sucks, decide what you want most out of your laptop and be prepared for compromises regardless of your choice.

I use a 2014 Macbook pro WITHOUT dedicated GPU that I bought on Craigslist for $700 in perfect condition. All Apple products are overpriced as hell but the build quality is better than anything IF you DYOR and buy a good model. They add all sorts of faggy features that fail all the time so it's important to get a good year of any model, just like with cars. A dedicated GPU will overheat and melt the epoxy inside of the display which will cause the display hinge to fail and crack the display. Avoid anything with that new touchbar shit, it's also useless trash that has reputation for failure.

Buy used and know how to test all hardware.

>>inb4 apple fag

I wish I could recommend anything other than a unibody Macbook but everything else is flimsy disposable plastic shit running uber-cucked windows 10 shit. If you have the time and know-how then maybe installing a linux distro on an aluminum zenbook from a few years back before they got cucked as well could be worth it.

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