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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.55801197 [View]
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>> No.26228090 [View]
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I don't have a bank account. I use a credit union.

>> No.23101560 [View]
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>Here are the stupid ass links no one uses
Are you telling me you don't use a screener like this?

>> No.22817553 [View]
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x1118, Imthinkingthesamething_57059f23a7035762a91c4f5eefcf3cc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pelosi has said a million times NO unless states were bailed out and non citizens were included.

lmao this is retarded.
Imagine if your mom and dad got into a fight over how to feed you, and ultimately they both stubbornly came to a standstill of "I'm not feeding him until you agree to let the dog have cake." And then your dad just shrugged his shoulders and opened up the newspaper. Politics is fucking retarded.

Just push a bill solely for taxpayer bailout and shove the other shit into a separate bill you can spend months negotiating. This whole "submit a bill that has 1400 pages of additional unrelated shit" system is the most incompetently implemented shit ever.

>but muh checks and balances

Not an argument. Can still have checks and balances voting on SINGLE issues. The stimulus bill, like every other bill, should be split into multiple individual bills that are voted on independently from one another. How long until we pitchfork mob? I'm pretty sure we're long overdue for a French Revolution style decapitation of those in power. Get the guillotines out.

>> No.22510536 [View]
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I can't remember the last time he talked and it helped the market. Its not like he can do negative rates at this point.

He'll say the usual "we'll use all tools at our disposal/ BLM shit/it will take a while to recover but we'll do our part " bit and everything tanks real time.

Not buying anything until after he talks. May ge later.

There's no reason to be green without stimulus, or unemployment extension news.

>> No.22487706 [View]
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x1118, 1600109585280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fed announced Fedcoin or whatever the fuck digital currency they're trying to shill
>Says they will distribute stimulus money via digital wallets tied to our SS numbers
>Democrats absolutely fuming that the Covid relief bill that they're purposefully holding back because they literally hate Americans is getting sneakily passed anyway

Fuck, I will absolutely cum buckets. Too bad my fantasy will never happen but just imagining it is making me moist. New world order will be UBI distributed by Fedcoin(tm) and the US dollar becomes a currency only used outside of the US. Imagine how much control the kikes will have over the economy if they rolled that shit out. You know they're jerking off to the same fantasy.

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