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>> No.12952837 [View]
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To everyone here that have no idea what’s going on, let me explain.

BTC isn’t decentralized (mining and ownership is centralized), it’s slow as fuck (1 hour settlement speed), it isn’t scalable ( 6 TPS), fee’s are too high, it uses too much energy (69 TWh annually) and is NOT secure (51% attack). They are abandoning (((this))) project.

I’m apart of a think tank, funded and owned by JPM. JPM coin will merge with ZEC and shortly after, it will overtake BTC in Market Cap. The path has already been concluded and the plan is in motion as I type this.

ZEC is unequivocally (((their))) coin, its admitted in pic related and (((they))) never lose, especially on finances.

BTC will still be valuable, its speculated it will hover around 10-15k when the flip happens and ZEC dethrones BTC dominance.

(((They))) know a currency doomsday is coming (yuan and US Dollar). To ensure the longevity, viability and trust in (((their))) project, they’re going to back the JPM/ZEC merger coin with physical silver, hence why JPM itself is accumulating, stacking and hoarding physical silver on unprecedented levels.

To emphasize how undervalued silver is (they suppress/manipulate its price through COMEX Futures, Silver Leasing, Silver Certificates and ETF’s) its price comparable per ounce to weed is 1/20. If you truly believe weed (unlimited supply, unironically grows on trees) will continue to be 20x per ounce as compared to silver per ounce (finite supply, mining being exponentially harder to extract than picking plants) you are severely mistaken.

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