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>> No.10681980 [View]
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>be age 16 in 2004, junior year, just got drivers license driving to school now.
>make a point to wake up early enough to get McDonald for breakfast drive thru and chow in the parking lot like a boss.
>get up, drive to mcdonalds, and didnt anticipate that mcdonalds is fucking packed during the mornings.
>already in too deep so get my order anyway, fly towards school with mc biscuit with orange drink.
>times running out
>find a good parking spot near my first class and pull in while chewing.
>mc buiscut coagulates my saliva and i breathe in
>crumbs go down my windpipe.
>im choking while im slowly rolling in the space,
>step on the gas instead of the brake while desperately fumbling to get my orange drink.
>slam into car parked infront, alarms go off, see the damage and my flight or fight response kicks in and go full reverse while coughing up my shit.
>drive towards the opposite side of the school and find parking spot way way out of my way.
>check to see damage, surprising hardly anything on my truck, just a black smear on the front bumper.
>run towards class, doors locked but spot janitor opening the back cafeteria doors and sneak in there
>run past cafeteria ladys chilling, zig zagging through the cooking stations
>run through the halls, only hear my foot steps echo through the hallways with a few kids here and there slamming lockers and loitering around.
>get to my first class, teacher has her back towards the entrance dealing with other classmates, a few are near the window
>can still hear the alarm going off.
>later that day over hear about some girl crying about her fucked up car
>mc biscuit never again.

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