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>> No.56783542 [View]
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Things I did wrong:
- Let my inhibitions and anxieties get the better of me. I was always the weird loner in school and still carry a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I often said that I didn't care what others thought of me but only in recent years has that become true.
- Cheated on a college gf (yes, I'm a piece of shit, I know). I was too cowardly and insecure to break up and I hurt an innocent person.
- In the same vein as the first two, not finding a serious gf. I fucked around with a lot of poor quality women because I lacked the confidence to go after the women I actually wanted and underestimated my own looks and accomplishments trying to be humble.

Things I did right:
- Got STEM degrees at uni. I like the social sciences but you can learn them on your own time. Today I have a strong foundations in math and programming. Even if you can't do a STEM degree, go to uni and do your best to become a well-rounded person.
- Maintained hobbies and a fitness routine.
- Maintained my friend group. It's difficult to maintain meaningful interpersonal relationships in an increasingly online world, so take time for loved ones.
- I've travelled a lot all over the world. Solo travel has become a bit of a meme but going to foreign places where I didn't speak the language and just winging it increased my confidence a lot. I ended up meeting a lady on the road, who became one of my only serious gfs, although she also had some major dealbreakers that meant it couldn't work.
- Took (smart) risks, especially in my career and personal life. Bet on yourself. Interesting lives are not lived in the safe zone. You are more capable of dealing with uncertainty. This doesn't mean risking your personal safety, but switching jobs, starting a business, taking a chance on a girl, and striking up conversations with interesting people can lead you to great things.

Be an upstanding person. Do right by others. Hold yourself to a high standard of conduct and scorn those who do not.

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