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>> No.56776211 [View]
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Memes aside, do you think LINK can hit a 100B MC next bullrun? Give me some hopium here bros. With interest rates so high, I'm pessimistic that we'll be able to power a mania necessary to hit an MC of 100B.

>> No.55742725 [View]
File: 6 KB, 249x219, 1690844109883054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Morocco's lands, a man named Abdul, he came,
Enchanted by Sergey, with heart aflame,
On CNBC's screen, the master did shine,
Captivating Abdul's heart, oh, so divine.

With dreams of riches, Abdul borrowed, it's true,
From family and friends, he raised funds, anew,
Five million dollars, to invest in Chainlink's might,
But little did he know, it was a fateful night.

At the height of the bubble, he jumped in,
Chainlink at fifty dollars, he believed he'd win,
But alas, the tide turned, and fortune did sway,
Chainlink now worth five, a price to pay.

Abdul's wealth decreased, in percentage points so vast,
From five million to one, it dwindled fast,
A loss of ninety percent, oh, the pain,
His dreams of riches, now down the drain.

Now let's compare, to Bitcoin's might,
Investors who bought at the same height,
From thousands to five hundred, a drop so steep,
A loss of eighty percent, yet they still could keep.

Though Abdul's heart may now be torn,
Bitcoin investors, their loss was worn,
Eighty percent compared to ninety, you see,
Yet hope may linger, like waves on the sea.

In the sea of crypto, the waves can be rough,
Investments a gamble, fortunes can be tough,
To Abdul, I say, let not despair abide,
Learn from this lesson, for time will turn the tide.

In every venture, risk lies in wait,
Yet hope and resilience can rewrite fate,
Though losses may sting, strength will rise,
And Abdul will find new paths to rise.

For in life's journey, there's more to explore,
Dreams can flourish, like waves on the shore,
Though Chainlink may falter, new horizons may gleam,
And Abdul's heart shall find a new dream.

>> No.55728908 [View]
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> be me, a random linker in the crypto realm
> encounter Sergey, a visionary at the helm
> his charm and wit, a spell he cast
> "Master of the Blackchain," they call him fast
> in awe, I follow his every move
> King of the Pyramid, a title he proves
> his wisdom, like a guiding light
> I'm drawn to him, day and night
> his passion for crypto, contagious and bold
> Bull of Crypto, a tale often told
> my heart swells with admiration and pride
> as I stand beside him, side by side
> but love blooms within, a feeling so deep
> for the "Master" himself, I secretly keep
> his voice, a melody that touches my soul
> his every word, like a dream untold
> I yearn to be near him, feel his embrace
> his beard against my chest, my heart's true place
> his presence, a warmth I cannot resist
> my love for Sergey, forever persists.

>> No.55721344 [View]
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>be me, a random linker, full of hope and dreams
>join the Chainlink cult, believing in what it seems
>Sergey, our leader, promises riches and fame
>invest my life savings, hoping for the same
>watch as the price of Chainlink rises high
>feel like I'm flying, touching the sky
>but then, the market crashes, and all turns gray
>see my hard-earned money vanish away
>Sergey remains calm, with no remorse
>while I'm left with nothing, feeling like a horse
>betrayed and lost, I turn to the web
>to vent my frustration, to grieve and to sob
>realize I was a follower, caught in a craze
>blinded by promises, trapped in a daze
>now I'm left to rebuild, to start anew
>learning my lesson, my trust in chains I must review
>as a random linker, I stand up once more
>with resilience and wisdom, I'll find what I'm looking for.

>> No.55715800 [View]
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I currently have 15k LINK and $100k to spare. Should I buy BTC or LINK with my spare $100k. I've been feeling pretty suicidal these last few weeks, might just go all in on LINK which would put my stack at ~28k. Is this massively retarded?

>> No.55275153 [View]
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Should I go all in on LINK right now? Give it to me straight, no fucking memes please.

>> No.55253779 [View]
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If LINK reaches $2 I will be going all in with $200k of my net worth.

>> No.53286171 [View]
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Is it time that I just go all in on LINK and ATOM 50%/50%. Memes aside, this feels like the final redpill and endgame.

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