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>> No.56506665 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.54482975 [View]
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>Lmao I am ukranian(and I'm half jew, hence the high iq)
>34 retarded posts
are the six gorillion taking up so much memory you can't remember how to think?

>> No.30354975 [View]
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Why dont (((they)) force the board to print shares so (((they))) can get out without losing wealth?

>first for Cohen declines and gets in an "unlucky" car crash

>> No.30134217 [View]
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>t. Hedgie shill/retard

>> No.29987594 [View]
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Commence תַּלְמוּד magic

>> No.28397363 [View]
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>> No.27875230 [View]
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Redpill me on rubic.

>> No.21857225 [View]
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Bullish as fuck for XRP

>> No.21512194 [View]
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Nolinker depression is worse depression ive ever felt in my entire life

>> No.21430647 [View]
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>12k algo... Working to 20k
Oy vey, we have another Algochad here fellas

>> No.20240082 [View]
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AMPL will kill all stablecoins. You will make it with 0.01% of the supply

>> No.20171912 [View]
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We're hitting levels of insanity that shouldn't even be possible. Thank the Jews for the wealth they are imparting on the clinically insane.

>> No.20154995 [View]
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How do I avoid paying taxes with my crypto earnings, or at least minimize the amount I have to pay?

>> No.19901641 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 8E61A07F-A664-4789-B295-FFCC87EE1790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.19577432 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 42F44930-4BE6-4E71-9C92-C584830DE713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making money moving money from one pocket to another

>> No.19567902 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, DD51FEFF-A7DD-40B3-BD16-AC5A8FB24754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep it on my radar fren

>> No.19488297 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, CEB18BF9-044D-4EF2-A9DB-A9F84FB9BE91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It belongs to them

>> No.16565199 [View]
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Shalom fellow /biz/raeli!

>> No.16502320 [View]
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Shalom fellow /biz/raeli!

>> No.11669063 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 8b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i start
>be me
>be 15
>go to camp for russian kids
>theres an amerifag
>first time i met him he threw card in our air conditioner
>the camp has fake currency you could earn for doing what the adults tell you to do or helping basically GBP
>i decide to earn a lot of money without any effort
>i do a shit ton of useless paper we call stocks
>set its price as 2 pests (yeah thats how the camp money was called)
>1 or 2 people buy it
>amerifag basically was my coworker so we were trying our best to sell them
>someone tells on us to an adult
>"anon what is this"
>"a stock"
>"are you doing a financial pyramid"
>"well yes"
>shes not mad, turns out shes going to support us
>the main point was that the stocks doubled in their price each day, so you could by them for 2 p and sell for 4
>next day the worker comes into the class during the recess and gives guys who bought stocks about 20 pests or somethin
>EVERYONE wants the stocks now
>i barely could do that amount of stocks
>20 of them
>each one has a lot of text
>much money so dont care
>get rich
>we make our team where we make some plans with a russian guy and amerifag
>stocks are really popular, our clients earn even more than us but we dont give a shit bc thats fun anyway
>basically spend all of our free time making stocks
>theres a guy who finally asks a real question like whats the point if we earn less than our clients
>best idea i can come up with is make him join us
>we do the final several stocks and here it comes
>close the stock market at the 50th one
>sell the 50th stock on an auction while the guy helps us by persuading people into buying it
>sold for 70 p
>costed 8 p
>at some point we decide to give the system to the guy while he'll give us some of the money
>turns out he was smarter, never gave us full money and held OUR bussiness even better by hiring people to do his work paying them stocks
>we have ~500p by the end
>never spend at least one
>go home
>get killed by russians

>> No.11564553 [View]
File: 68 KB, 654x526, jooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jews rock. biz loves jews.

>> No.11559926 [View]
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How do I use my Jewish powers to steal crypto from gois?

>> No.8950125 [View]
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Axpire, devery, ambrosusa

Small cap GODS

>> No.8923427 [View]
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Did someone mention monies

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