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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.26762305 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read between the lines, look at the inconsistencies. Buy RYCEY it will hit $1000 EOY.

>> No.26549319 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you are bogbrain and can reliably increase your porfolio by minimum 3% a day do not do this.

>> No.26323942 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith in The Number. The Number goes up. Do not falter. Do not sell until The Number goes up, it WILL go up.

>> No.26238200 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missed BNGO cheapies before the YUGE pump

>> No.26187526 [View]
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Hello. Bog here. This will be an extremely green week. next week will be slightly red, but the DOW will go up by 80% by EOY. This is free advice, take it or leave it.

>> No.26138907 [View]
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Becoming a living God, completely unburdened by any limitations. Oblivious to physical laws and limitations. This is the only true way to make it.

>> No.26138509 [View]
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If they worked algorithms would be able to out-preform the market. But they can't.

>> No.26133481 [View]
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Tuesday will be the greenest day yet of 2021

>> No.26126766 [View]
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Well honestly I don't think investment is something people can learn. If you're intelligent, rational, and can control your emotions you can be successful, but if you don't have those qualities no amount of advice will help. Control of your emotions is probably more important than general intelligence, the reason most people lose money trying to trade stocks is because they can't control themselves and panic sell.

>> No.16320897 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, dsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsfsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe
>The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

>> No.15116773 [View]
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, 8b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the best strategy be to see a photo of the team of a project without buying.

statistically speaking, would you really invest in a project after seeing their team is staceys and pajeets/french?

>> No.11756183 [View]
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 8b4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they bought
>load the korea FUD

>> No.5408055 [View]
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Listen up nibs it ain't crashing tonight

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