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>> No.59607631 [View]
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>Give me 1 reason why I shouldnt go 100% into BTC compared to boomer stocks?

Can you explain to your Grandmother in 5 minutes why BTC is better than any other coin and how it satisfying a NEED in society that money and gold can not fill.

Stocks are the worth of companies that make things people NEED.

>> No.59534571 [View]
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by 2028 (3 years from now) tesla-taxis will charge $1 per mile. You never need to tip, you listen to the music you want to hear, no stupid chatter with a driver... point A to point B travel that is safe, fast, and inexpensive

Tesla-Taxi alone is worth at LEAST $1000 a share

>> No.58097302 [View]
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>> No.57813761 [View]
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>attempts to create a bbbyq general result in an immediate ban
Sometimes the jannies earn their pay, boys.

>> No.57694378 [View]
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No senpai, you're good. Send it now.

>> No.57135166 [View]
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Are we rich yet? Because I'm feeling rich.

>> No.56048333 [View]
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Thanks to the incredibly based anon for not letting BBBaggots slink off into the shadows. If there is anyone still here holding this, choose your cope
>I knew it was a gamble, I didn't need the money
>I had a $0.045 average, so I still made a _x
>here is how BBBYQ can still win
>we would have won if not for crime/judge/hedgies
>I'm joining the class action suit against Ryan Cohen/PPseeds to get my money back
>the shares have a par value of $0.01, so I technically didn't lose everything
>at least the bondholders didn't get anything either
>I can write the loss off on my taxes (NOL for the retail investor)
>filtered, thanks
>actually YOU'RE the baggie!
>we knew it was a typo
>still not selling/they turned off the sell button
Finally, fucking kek PridefulAnon
>Pride cometh before the fall and a haughty heart before destruction
-The Word Of The LORD

>> No.55972700 [View]
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Kek, income based repayment is the next best thing to full forgiveness. It was changed from adjusted gross income to disposable. I make $135k a year, owe over $300k and my monthly payment is going to be $125, it's incredible. Another 15 years and the entire balance is forgiven. Sorry, I'M JUST NOT PAYING IT BACK IS ALL!

>> No.55927187 [View]
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>If I have 2 million cash and put it in a 4% interest rate account, the bank will pay me 80K a year. Is it really that simple with no catch?

Yes, If you are stupid.
Put the same 2 million into an S&P 500 index fund and you will earn about the same amount in dividends WHILE the principle grows.
It is all about risk, Very little risk putting it in the bank, moderate risk putting it in the stock market, BUT no growth potential in the bank and a decent growth potential in the stock market (But you COULD shrink your principle).

>> No.55924092 [View]
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Sold Apple for Tesla. It is all percentage growth and long term income. Apple is mature and has saturated its market, Tesla young and growing.
In 7 years Tesla will be bigger than Apple.

>> No.55726559 [View]
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PridefulAnon, are you still with us?

>Pride cometh before the fall and a haughty heart before destruction

>> No.55689669 [View]
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>I didn't need the money anyways
cope. Behold, the final BBBaggY form.

>> No.55446856 [View]
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You can have a $0 payment based on your income level and it would still count towards your 240 payments. The bar is low too. I make $180k a year and pay like $500 a month. Shit will be wiped in ten years, kek. They WILL pay for my loans, the question is just now or in ten years.

>> No.54792765 [View]
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3. No.
4. Not my problem.
5. Deal with it.

>> No.54718505 [View]
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I'm going to miss this general like you wouldn't believe. Shillbros, it's been a pleasure kekking baggots with you all.

>> No.54680713 [View]
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I fully believe the Pareto principle applies here. Those 200k DRS are probably no more than 20% of the total shares retail holds. These guys are fucked.

>> No.54612297 [View]
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You didn't get the news? Keith killed himself.

>> No.54289784 [View]
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Oh, gotcha. Wonder what the SEC would think about this? I'll send it to them in a complaint, just in case they are interested.

>> No.54185481 [View]
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Here is your reverse split, anon. Here is proof you are being diluted. All these things we predicted are coming true, where is your proof of Cohen and/or Icahn as shadow chairmen?
>pride cometh before the fall and a haughty heart before destruction

>> No.53911065 [View]
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>playing fair with people who change the rules as they go and flip the board over when they're losing
If that's true, we're done. There is NOTHING unfair or illegal about delighting shareholders with an NFT dividend. This has been proven in a US court of law. Anyone suggesting otherwise or that it shouldn't have already happened is a faggot and hedgenigger and I'm tired of pretending they aren't.

>> No.53228187 [View]
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I just explained why it's not off topic. There are 30 posts of
>still holding
>Ken Griffin you have no yil
>stay comfy, comfy blanketposter
each and every thread, but I don't see you calling them out. Instead you try to stifle legitimate GME related discussions. Why is that I wonder? I'm going to post whatever I want and basically there is just nothing you can do about it.

GME hasn't been green in months and now we're ripping off +10% days again. I just want to talk about how this is related to the rest of the basket. I could care less if anyone buys those stocks, I haven't and I wouldn't recommend it, but if it helps GME I consider it a good thing.

>> No.52731314 [View]
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Here are the facts:
Christ is King
Kashmir belongs to Pakistan
Israel is an illegitimate state

>> No.52630005 [View]
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Sure would be a shame if something forced them to close those short positions. Especially if it was all at once. That could be very costly, their definition of a fair market price might be different than the people they need to buy the shares from.

>> No.52543991 [View]
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>Don't they have a carbon credits grift that is mostly propping up their profits and boosting the share price?

YES... yes they do

Starting in 2023 the USA government will start enforcing the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
They will give a $7500 Electric Vehicle (EV) tax credit to qualifying EVs (Tesla model Y and 3 qualify).
The IRA will also give battery makers a tax credit for producing batteries in North America with North American materials.
Tesla's new 4680 batteries (for their EVs) qualify.

Right now the Tesla model Y is on track to become the most popular selling car in the world in 2023.

Starting in 2023 the USA government will GIVE Tesla a tax break on Model Ys and model 3s AND start PAYING them to make the batteries they put int he cars.

Tesla is about to increase their profitability by HUGE amounts.

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