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>> No.17441122 [View]
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first of all, i'm throwing closer to $900 into link each month. second of all, i'm clearly not the only one doing this; let's assume that there's just 100 people that have been putting an average of $400 into link each month for the past year; you have $480,000 going into link per year at an averaged (badly) price of ~$1.50 per link, and you have—at an EXTREMELY LOW estimate of 100 people—320,000 link being added to the bags of linkies that are buying with the intention of not just never selling, but of STAKING THEIR LINK in pools that will inevitably compete with the whales' pools and bring down the price of data feeds at least somewhat.
starting to see the big picture here, brainlet? what do you call it when AMD lords over intel with the zen 2 architecture? you call it amd *cucking* intel.
now, what do you call it when a massive network of megacorporations the world over are made dependent on a product that is fundamentally rooted on priciples of honesty and transparency, all brought together by a philosophy major with a json parser? you call it megacorps getting *cucked*, because to not use this new, evidently honesty-prizing technology would be financial suicide.
so then, what do you call it when a group mostly comprised of fucktarded pump-chasing neets on a bhutanese incense rolling forum catch wind of this product, all buy a stake in it early as fuck, and then all simultaneously get their shit together and proceed to get jobs for the first time in their lives so that they can accumulate more without falling into your swinging trap, making it so that you have a harder time charging whatever the fuck you want in link for reliable data feeds?
you call it megacorps getting cucked by 4chan

yeah—i bet you'd like people to believe that throwing $100 into link every month will do them no good
i didn't know someone could be so sore from just watching

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