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>> No.28938105 [View]
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The long and short is that if binance owns a significant share of a particular coin or if the people who own it keep their tokens on binance, binance will use those tokens to artificially suppress the price in order to scalp money off the top because it's easier than letting the price moon and then being forced to pay out dividends to the owners as they sell.

Link didn't begin moon mission until it happened. All the link marines began removing their barrels from binance, so CZ being the scammer chink he is began charging fees to take your own property off his website. Right now 1/3 of the supply is on Binance so until people take their barrels off it, we'll be slow-going (might see 4 dollars by March 1st) instead of a straight moonshot. There was a guy who was in the top 50 wallets on here who still hadn't taken his barrels off of binance.

I genuinely don't understand people who won't do something as simple and success-proven as taking their barrels off of binance.

>> No.26136420 [View]
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Don't hurt yourself, it's going to be fine fren.

>> No.25930455 [View]
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>> No.25457253 [View]
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It's 2021 and rent has been out of control for a decade and you're still playing defense for outdated 1970s "you gotta move out as fast as you can" boomerisms. Tell you what- if boomers wanted their kids to move out before marriage, maybe boomers should have created a society where basic costs of living vs. salaries wasn't impossibly slanted against people who don't specifically have rich, connected friends that can get them a decent job.

>> No.25292937 [View]
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The absolute funniest thing about your post is that when it dipped to like 17.28 I was like "should I buy this in case the merger pumps it to 27 dollars" and then I didn't because I was traumatized by being a retard and selling other shit at a loss.

>realized losses
>unrealized gains

>> No.25093001 [View]
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It would be difficult but it would be possible with about 5000 dollars in 2020. Imagine you played the market from april to present, riding random memestock pumps by 10% each time, selling and then moving on to the next memestock. Over that period you could easily amass 100k if you were being cautious and not yoloing in all your profits, just the initial 5000 in order to minimize risk.

But in a normal stock market it would be difficult/impossible, as most stocks move like boomer stocks. The memepumps are only possible because every reddit retard has a phone broker and government stimulus money and nothing to do.

>> No.24352750 [View]
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cute smug anime girl pic. can't short that.

>> No.19811005 [View]
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yeah bro, extremely high interests rates are certainly an issue in the us

>> No.19451955 [View]
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neets are based

>> No.19432672 [View]
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Yep for better or for worse this place has always ranked amongst the best boards on this website

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