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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.7633399 [View]
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This shit coin made me $4,000 in gainz today so fuck u!

>> No.7352978 [View]
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Yeah, I'm down $329,000 since Christmas with only $60,000 left but I'd rather loss everything than to give up and except a loss.

I hope the rest of you bag hodlers join me on the moon in 7 months.

>> No.7158009 [View]
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This....I wake up twice a night to check things.

>> No.7155170 [View]
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Will you be here making threads like this at that time. I'm all in and I really need to squeeze as much juice outta this coin as possible. It's literally my last chance to make it.

You got an @ I can follow?

>> No.7119966 [View]
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With everything deep in the red, what coin is the best buy in this dip?

>> No.7009730 [View]
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I like it. Everyone is saying it's going to dip tomorrow after they don't announce fork. Should we sell high and assume it's gonna dip and buy back it low?

>> No.7009440 [View]
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Green I'd....buying 100k

>> No.6941742 [View]
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What's everyone guess on how long until it returns to it's ATH?

>> No.6672390 [View]
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English is obviously not your first language. Street shitter detected!

>> No.6671111 [View]
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Thanks Captain Obvious!

>> No.6511960 [View]
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Because you're a narcissistic faggot. No one listens to you in real life or /biz/. An hero loser.

>> No.6012275 [View]
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Help Anons. I have $2,000 in ZCL and BTC. I feel like it's too late to jump into most alts right now because they have already mooned. What is the next big coin that has yet to moon.

Shill me your shitcoin and give me your wallet address. If it moons I'll reward you.

OP will deliver.

>> No.5583250 [View]
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I'm going to bed. Maybe the chinks can pump while I'm dreaming of gainz. Reality check though. I'll be cashing some profits tomorrow at .27 cents. Need Satoshis available for moments like this when you can buy shit for 25% off.

>> No.5574128 [View]
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This! Also quit being a pussy. That's not how you win at this game.

>> No.5543408 [View]
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I'm headed to bed. Can't wait to see where we are at when I wake up in 8 hours after the gooks pump it up. 40 cents? Sleep tight BountyBros!

>> No.5524308 [View]
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It's pumping! Up 30% from last night! I'm hodling this to $2 per. Super comfy!

>> No.5509950 [View]
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I'll this a long hodl?

>> No.5503303 [View]
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Thanks anon....I'll take your advise!

>> No.5428262 [View]
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Signed up.

My turn!

>> No.5412468 [View]
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I'm next

Thanks op

>> No.5335230 [View]
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It's 1.59 right now. What's your forcast?

>> No.5332791 [View]
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This shits selling for like .o4¢. how could this not 3x by January? Thinking I need to drop some serious Satori on these! WTF is fun anyways?

>> No.5330492 [View]
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No an hero anon. It's a heavy dip. It's almost back to 14,000 as I type this. Buy the dip and win. She'll be back!

>> No.5316487 [View]
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Teach me Senpai. I feel your wisdom.

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