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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.57794863 [View]
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The way things are going it's likely. The greatest hurdle is being able to still have a stack through the shitstorm that collapsing economies and currencies commonly display. All the gold in the world is worthless if you're forced to sell so your wife and daughter are always well to do and never formally.

>> No.57439840 [View]
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thnx bby

>> No.57422091 [View]
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>What is the most painless way to die?

Next to your wife, children and loved ones comfortably in your bed, reminiscing about all of the great moments in your life that lead you to having this beautiful family, knowing you have no regrets.

>> No.57294206 [View]
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There's only so much you can do as a parent.

>> No.56877773 [View]
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You buy a home when you can afford the mortgage while still being able to comfortably live the other aspects of your life.

>> No.56829647 [View]
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Park Ranger.

>> No.56822780 [View]
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Hello oldfag OP!

Also, good on Elon for calling out the advertisers.

>> No.56819479 [View]
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>> No.56791395 [View]
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Personally, sector allocation and liquidity management.


>> No.56779945 [View]
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My dream is to live on 3 acres of land and build a (or get a prefab) 1,000sqft ranch/open living space home with a furnished basement. That's all I really want.

It seems like every home around me is either an 800sqft commie-block apartment, or a 2,000sqft overpriced "starter" home in an HOA. I don't understand why there aren't more homes built in the 1,000sqft - 1,200sqft range with furnished basements. They actually make way more sense.

>> No.56553011 [View]
File: 129 KB, 1024x1006, C678018C-19F0-4095-B61B-0723055B498E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite point to make regarding the monstrous markets is where all this supposed wealth and prosperity is realized within the physical world. Outside of these stock charts and their completely baseless valuations the west has effectively devolved from first world to second with highly wealthy dots on a map otherwise defined by poverty, crime, limited economic opportunity, and a cost of life all classes suffer under.

This era will be looked back upon with a complete understanding as to when and how our foundations crumbled.

Now I wanna buy another ounce.

>> No.56060675 [View]
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happiness and good fortune to you anon

>> No.55644390 [View]
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>> No.55632428 [View]
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It depends on the location and time period OP. That's why the rent vs. buy a house arguments are retarded.

Where I live, you can rent a 2 bedroom apartment for $800/mo in a very safe (yet boring) midwest town. However, the average home price is $300k with a 7% mortgage rate. The average down payment is 5% and our property taxes are moderate (not very high, but not low either). This will average out to a monthly payment of about $2,300/mo if you get a 30/yr fixed rate.

That's absolutely fucking insane for the median income in that area which is only about $32k a year and the median household income is about $65k a year. This doesn't even include regular maintenance and landscaping. At the end of the day, you end up what we call out here as "house poor". Your entire paycheck goes into your mortgage, car paymen/insurance, basic maintenance, utilities and food. At the end of the day you have nothing leftover to save up. Nothing to invest and no money for an emergency.

I'd rather pay $800/mo for an apartment and be able to save, invest and go on vacation whenever I want, than be stuck in a house for 30 years with no money leftover.

As a side note. I like Peter Schiff, but he's stupid when it comes to A LOT of things. He doesn't even understand how the banking system works, even though he owned a bank. Take his advice with a grain of salt. He's been repeating the sane narrative for the last 20 years.

>> No.55601815 [View]
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Whenever I'm sad I look at my collection of frogs and it helps me feel a little bit better.

>> No.55571593 [View]
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I am in a generous mood

>> No.55494227 [View]
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even more than just people even banks and countries!

>> No.54531169 [View]
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I'm barely pulling it off but I had to climb to the top 20th percentile to pull it off. Why's life so hard bros?

>> No.54514273 [View]
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Not him or a simp but they have mommy and daddy issues anon. It manifests as sexual degeneracy.

>> No.54441881 [View]
File: 129 KB, 1024x1006, 920C24DF-F87B-4BFB-A113-14FFF0E92B1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funko pop PMs might increase general interest. Perhaps even draw people into the material world away from their fantasies. I’m not opposed.

>> No.54427001 [View]
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I will one day build the treehouse that my son gets his first blowjob in

>> No.54227519 [View]
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Pissing off jews and trannies. Making some monies on the way. Welcome to the club.

>> No.54193181 [View]
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ya did good kid

>> No.53461206 [View]
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Yeah definitely. Your kids are old enough to not need a lot of care but not yet at the age where they think they're too cool for you. Good amount of equity in your house, good savings and investments assuming you were consistent and didn't run into any big financial emergencies. Good point in your career where you're starting to make real money and you're not as easy to replace. Definitely a lot less stress then early 20s.

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