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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.59077627 [View]
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Become a liquidity provider and staker on solbank, fastest and easiest money you can make

>> No.58671450 [View]
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Do you guys own anything, like are you all nocoiners or what? I've been holding FAC for almost 3 months and all i've seen is green green green and more green. Like, i get it, alts are dying and the general feeling is bearish but come on, look at the charts. Everyone was calling it: community ran projects are the new narrative, and while everyone else is making money all i can see in /biz is nocoiners and altfaggots crying because their utility tokens got outperformed by a fucking flying avocado cat generated by ai. Cope and seethe retards, learn how to work this market

>> No.58661335 [View]
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don't give a shit i'll go band for band with god. lil bro's probably 5"11.

>> No.58569500 [View]
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>be me
>decided to take a little vacation in south korea
>i had a guy who knew the best parts in seoul
>we went to the best places to eat for a whole week straight
>friday night comes
>"i have another type of meal for you if you're interested"
>sounds gay as fuck translated but he implied sex
>i like where this is going so i say sure and we go to the sex workers district
>there we enter a small but well decorated building
>he speaks briefly with the manager and a barely legal girl comes dressed modestly and starts speaking to me, the manager then motions me to follow her and leads me and the girl to another room
>my friend just tells me "enjoy it, text me when you're done"
>the room was clean and smelled nice, i took a shower and when i came back she was half naked waiting for me
>mfw she was a virgin
>best fucking sex i've ever had
>one hour later (my stamina is awful stfu) i text my friend and start leaving
>the manager stops me and tells me i have to pay
the asshole didn't tell me i had to pay for this, i spent literally all my hooker money on just a single girl, was it worth it? sure, but if it wasnt for the honkler pump last night i would've literally been stuck in seoul without a single penny, be wise with the hooker money lads, ask before you bang

>> No.58377722 [View]
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maaan base is really the second coming of solana isn't it, it's just shitcoin after shitcoin, lmao im hoping the gravity labs devs get smart and release on base so they can attract more people

>> No.58117521 [View]
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I'm llooking at myself almost in the same spot as op, but I have a shiton of old nfts, that I'm gonna sell on eesee as soon as it launches its mainnet and the normies walk in, then after I'm count my beans and branch out to other coins.

>> No.57687768 [View]
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Man these threads really make me laugh because its like a self fullfiling prophecy, you get a /biz covered with doomposting and baglets saying we're going down to 0 for the most part of 2 years. You tell them to get into precise gems with actual potential, how agrs will change the meta, to buy worldcoin before it moons, to get into nvidia stocks if they dont like crypto, or even just to bluechip and hold to BTC. But no, they tell you "no i wont its so over". Then the bullrun finally comes and you see the regret, the fomo, the baglets asking begging to god for his mercy they want to buy at low prices again. "When is it going down" until they realize they had two years to buy.
Feels good to be an early adopter man, feels great.

>> No.57665307 [View]
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ICP pepe is nearing half a cent, We have the revival of DOGE, ETH going back to 5k I say yeah we're closer than ever to reaching at least 100k, at least

>> No.57401429 [View]
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I don't fucking care anymore


>> No.56936144 [View]
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Im in. It's fucking on

>> No.56872493 [View]
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'Tis the live of the shitcoin swinger

>> No.54659401 [View]
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>The world will be populated with oracles and virtual credentials
Hell fucking yeah, my LINK bags will be soaring then

>> No.53420603 [View]
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I get frustrated from people confusing this so let me teach you a bit of basics OP, Yield farming is a type of staking. In this case the platform takes your assets and uses them for various kinds of activities (like liquidity provision) and then pays you for it. Sometimes this is a reward paid in a different token (like ATOM or MATIC) or the reward can just be more of the asset you are staking (this is called compounding). So let's say you invest 1 BTC and earn 10% APY in interest. This amount you earn will then earn you even more interest and can compound over time to make you a substantial amount of money.

Also the answer to your question is yes >>53419443 is an example of a reward token

next pls

>> No.53226393 [View]
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Im just plainly making bets on coins and posting them on social media so that people know what i will sell next. This usually makes the other coins i invest in pump. The best part? My DEXT bags always pump. Its a free money cheat

>> No.52234919 [View]
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Yeah yeah whatever you say Bobby. Don't forget to load up those $HOLO, $ICP and $XRP bags in secret while trying to demoralize midwits on /biz/ - Business and Finance - don't get too enthralled in your character.

>> No.49976493 [View]
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Looking at the uptrend these past few days i can safely say that sol > waves > avax (as in buy all of these in decreasing amounts of bags of course).

>> No.49445936 [View]
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I need an exchange that’s not Pancakeswap or 1inch, those sites doesn’t accept my obscure memecoins

>> No.49418851 [View]
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>Imagine buying Waves on June, after wasting your unique opportunity a few weeks ago
Don’t be so entitled kids, let the coin die already, they were just lucky

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