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/biz/ - Business & Finance


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>> No.54262503 [View]
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ZKSync? Never heard of her. Not only is Frin's main competitor down bad - but FRIN is launching on zkSync, at the same time zk's main competitor (Aztec) is sunsetting its dex/money market privacy features (Connect - likely due to regulatory risk associated w/ much of the Aztec team being US based)

Imagine not taking a flyer on a unique money market protocol that has been long developed, redundantly audited by top firms, and has perpetually shipped since launch. FRIN could easily turn out to be the leading L2/zk money market with multi-asset borrow/lend positions, partial liquidations, and I think a market first LP collateral. Not to mention fee sharing/staking coming too.

Fuck, I'm making myself so bullish, might have to grab another 10m and simply stop caring for a year.. I can't wait until biz is wojaking over this like they did last bull with protocols that had not even a cunt's hair the potential of FRIN.

You've had 2 years. See ya out there,


>> No.54173008 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ZKSync? Never heard of her. Not only is Frin's main competitor down bad - but FRIN is launching on zkSync, at the same time zk's main competitor (Aztec) is sunsetting its dex/money market privacy features (Connect - likely due to regulatory risk associated w/ much of the Aztec team being US based)

Imagine not taking a flyer on a unique money market protocol that has been long developed, redundantly audited by top firms, and has perpetually shipped since launch. FRIN could easily turn out to be the leading L2/zk money market with multi-asset borrow/lend positions, partial liquidations, and I think a market first LP collateral. Not to mention fee sharing/staking coming too.

Fuck, I'm making myself so bullish, might have to grab another 10m and simply stop caring for a year.. I can't wait until biz is wojaking over this like they did last bull with protocols that had not even a cunt's hair the potential of FRIN

>> No.54114577 [View]
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Euler hack is bullish for FRIN. Few. It's all starting to fall into place. The golden Fringies. Almost time.

>> No.53725928 [View]
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Hidden in plain sight, perhaps this was Fringe Finance's plan all along. We know Chainlink likes the code. We know ZkSync like the potential.

Fringe autist's finally have their first major boon, but imagine when dozens of projects have this as their only major lending platform. Dozens. Can you fucking imagine the TVL potential? It's almost like once AAVE had a holistic product in the right market conditions it just skyrocketed. I held some LEND in the low single cent range back in the day - just not nearly enough - and I held for not nearly long enough either (sold around 27c). FRIN is building a product (esp being one of the first on zk's) that may similarly strike the right balance at the right time. You never do know, but w/ its long established history, fully audited and proven code, plus its novel innovative features, it's a much better bet than dogcoinZ, ponzyY, or shill-of-the-month...Sustainable 500x potential WITH protocol rewards for years until we reach a pico top.

When, not if, the market truly heats up (and it may be years), it's not only a diamond in the rough, but you're all ready to cut out a place in the top 200 (do the math on that mcap)

Do the fucking math, anon.

I'm feelin' Fringey.

>> No.53711435 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the Fringe Finance autists finally have their golden kickstart? Only ZK lend / borrow on ZkSync, which is launching in March. They themselves posted about it.

It's time. Cult FRIN heads been waiting a long time for this.


>> No.52470105 [View]
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Do we think this actually think this will survive?

What was once "will the PLP ever launch" turned to "will it ever get TVL" - the answer was no, but that was compounded by launching right at the peak fear moment of pre-bear LUNA collapse, and now FTX.

It's going to take a very long time for trust to return to lending markets, but we all know it will. At this marketcap, if they pull any sort of institutional TVL (they say 1 year no hacks) i'd wager this would be wife-changing gains. Solid partnership engagement with MATIC and we all know Chainlink is actually on board, not for fluff.

Can they pull it off? Paul's burning millions every quarter to keep building. Surely they can....r...r..right?

>> No.52462297 [View]
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It's Fringe Finance but you all wanna get rich over night.

>> No.52462208 [View]
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Fringe (FRIN)

>> No.52460485 [View]
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Will this piece of shit ever get TVL? Partnered with Chainlink. Spaces with MATIC and big bois. 30+ projects all ready to shill + more unique use-case than all the failed hobo coins.


>> No.50160537 [View]
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Fringies gonna make bank by EOY.

>> No.50160474 [View]
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Insider here - Just talked to Eric Schmidt and he confirmed the protocol is sound and there's a reason Chainlink likes it.

You may laugh as it's somewhat dead now, and a $3M market-cap. If you only knew how comfy things were about to be. Fringe Finance is the best R/R in the space, bar none.

5M for generational wealth in 2023.

>> No.50071765 [View]
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It's nice to see companies like REN re-tweeting this, and it's obviously gonna be much higher by staking release / EOY, but what's the point of a partner push when there's no USDC?

Really don't understand. Fringe-bros, how you feeling? I still think this is probably the best R/R low cap in crypto RN.

>> No.50014004 [View]
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Switch gets flipped next week anon. Imagine not buying at seed price. Couldn't be me. Better get your ducks in a row. This is the last dip under $0.01.


>> No.49958357 [View]
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We are finally fucking live.

Someone put 40,000 Linkies in this shit. Is it Sergey? RORY ARE YOU ON THE YACHT?


$1 EOY. Screencap this.

Yachty boi livestream if you weren't invited

>> No.49930469 [View]
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Tomorrow, this fucking thing finally gets released. What are we expecting TVL wise next week when the platform goes live?

I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of people will sleep on FRIN due to "muh systematic risk" and end up missing one of the greatest runs of 2023.

$1 FRIN (100x) is still a paltry market-cap. I will be selling half at $0.30 just in case they don't have the juice to get there.

Suicide stack : 1M
Make it stack : 5M
Whale stack : 10M minimum (there are 8 people in the whale telegram alongside myself, so do the math atop team holdings)

Either way, we buidl. Comfy.

>> No.49881123 [View]
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3 days to product shipping. What are we expecting TVL wise next week when the platform goes live?

I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of people will sleep on FRIN due to "muh systematic risk" and end up missing one of the greatest runs of 2023.

$1 FRIN (100x) is still a paltry market-cap. I will be selling half at $0.30 just in case they don't have the juice to get there.

Suicide stack : 1M
Make it stack : 5M
Whale stack : 10M minimum (there are 8 people in the whale telegram alongside myself, so do the math atop team holdings)

Either way, we buidl.

>> No.49826943 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are we expecting TVL wise next week when the platform goes live? ChainlinkGod says he won't put his LINK into Fringe, but that doesn't mean others won't.

I have a sneaking suspicion a lot of people will sleep on FRIN due to "muh systematic risk" and end up missing one of the greatest runs of 2023.

$1 FRIN (100x) is still a paltry market-cap.

Either way, we buidl.

>> No.49756380 [View]
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Sources say Chainlink and Bancor are loading the tweets as we speak.

Best R/R in crypto right now.


>> No.49653765 [View]
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Gonna be a big week.

>> No.49607505 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe I can buy this future $1 coin under $0.01. Lmao 2023 is gonna be LIT.

>> No.49507858 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here long term? Like, $1 isn't shit and if it can get there, it can go higher. This is, IMO, the most undervalued low cap in crypto RN. You guys realize when BNT + Linkies + MATIC + all the others open the floodgates on this, aside from Polygon + Tomochain + REN and everybody else, how absolutely insane it could get long term, right? Like short term it's literally free marketing from partners for over 1 million degenerates assholes desperate to make their money back. Of course they're going to stake their tokens, no matter when they bought. Imagine not having the 5-10M FRIN whale bag at these prices. Couldn't be me. Accumulate.

Feeling Fringey AF anons.

>> No.49439050 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here long term? Like, $1 isn't shit and if it can get there, it can go higher. This is, IMO, the most undervalued low cap in crypto RN. You guys realize when BNT + Linkies + MATIC + all the others open the floodgates on this, aside from Polygon + Tomochain + REN and everybody else, how absolutely insane it could get long term, right? Like short term it's literally free marketing from partners for over 1 million degenerates assholes desperate to make their money back. Of course they're going to stake their tokens, no matter when they bought. Imagine not having the 5-10M FRIN whale bag at these prices. Couldn't be me. Accumulate.

Feeling Fringey AF anons.

>> No.49407065 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fringe (FRIN) is probs the best chart + low cap buy in crypto. Ape and hold a year. Take half off at $1 (100x) stake the rest.

>> No.49407001 [View]
File: 20 KB, 640x640, FRIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is, IMO, the most undervalued low cap in crypto RN. You guys realize when BNT + Linkies + MATIC + all the others open the floodgates on this, aside from Polygon + Tomochain + REN and everybody else, how absolutely insane it could get long term, right? Like short term it's literally free marketing for over 1 million degenerates assholes desperate to make their money back. Of course they're going to stake their tokens, no matter when they bought.

Imagine not having the 10M FRIN whale bag at these prices. Couldn't be me. Accumulate.

Feeling Fringey.

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