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>> No.18249323 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13182225 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The biggest gripe I have against Binance is that they don't support Doge

>> No.11964073 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


- Chink scammer who got rich gets greedier, creates another crypto

- Dumb white guy buys it and shills it

- Rinse and Repeat

>> No.11761250 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic is from this chink scam coin shiller mapping out that there is a going to be a huge ecosystem of Chinese shitcoins centered around NEO, and ELASTOS that will be running the Chinese smart economy.

And of course the the big companies like Microsoft, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent are already involved and have a roadmap building this network.

The absolute delusion of YouTube shills and retards buying Chinese scams.

>> No.11257972 [View]
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BYD itself is known for scams:

> Faulty buses delivered to state of California and under investigations discovered that buses that were delivered were not the same as buses tested for contract

> Promised to bring green jobs to Americans for state of California but found importing Chinese workers who they were paying $1.50 /hr



And this scammy company making shit EVs has been completely subsidized by the Chinese government which has cut a huge percentage of subsidies and BYD is now bleeding money.

> The company expects its first-quarter net profit to slump 75.2-91.8 percent from a year ago due to the subsidy cuts.


Not surprising that VeChain has partnership with BYD. Shady companies with shit products doing scammy things joining forces. And dumb western investors actually think they will be rewarded by investing in these companies.

>> No.11125056 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> #1 Electric Vehicle Maker in the World KEK

- Faulty buses delivered to state of California and under investigations discovered that buses that were delivered were not the same as buses tested for contract

- Promised to bring green jobs to Americans for state of California but found importing Chinese workers who they were paying $1.50 /hr

Every EV vehicle magazine or site has an article about how this Chinese shit company is ruining EV/Green transport image



>> No.11086997 [View]
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Not surprising that VeChain has partnership with BYD.

- Faulty buses delivered to state of California and under investigations discovered that buses that were delivered were not the same as buses tested for contract

- Promised to bring green jobs to Americans for state of California but found importing Chinese workers who they were paying $1.50 /hr



This is how Chinese companies operate. Even if there is a trickle of demand for VTHO that they're going to profit when 85% of the the VEN was shown to be in the hands of the top 100 wallets and the top tier nodes get 200% or more of the bonuses for VTHO gas.

>> No.11021844 [View]
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Crumbs is right. We saw 85% of VEN was owned by the top 100 wallets. Those wallets will get 200% bonuses on that worthless gas.

Scammy Chinese BYD who VeChain partners with showed how these Chinese companies operate.

> BYD was caught producing low quality, cracked, breakdown prone busses for California. Different from the ones tested by the state.

> BYD was caught employing Chinese who they paid $1.50 /hr when they had a contract to bring green energy jobs to the state by hiring Americans.

And VeTards think these companies are going to make them money? KEK

>> No.10491249 [View]
File: 15 KB, 341x192, china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A ton of people have 50 x times on a lot of China Hustles man. But only a fool actually believes the Hustle and thinks the Chinese are building the New Smart Economy or the new Generation AI Platform on the Blockchain or the Future of Supply Chain and offering Westerners valued assets and investments in those future platforms while banning their own people from holding a stake in their own innovation.

REQ are incompetent amateurs but they're not a straight up scam. If they were straight up scammers they would be doing a better job of marketing their scam than they are doing right now.

>> No.10243280 [View]
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They're all a Chinese Hustle. Some just appear more legit than others. But the point is always to suck money out of your hands into theirs. Even a successful business or revenue generation system ever materializes using your investments, do you think the Chinese will ever share their profits with you? They scam even in a regulated businesses and equities market. In cryptos, they have to obligation to ever act in your interest.

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